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The Marauders were sat in in their dorm room, going over and discussing their plan, and the different tactics they'd need to use for each Horsemen. After the party where Remus had been harassed by Marcos, The Marauders had spend an additional week watching The Horsemen's every move. Doing that, they were able to pick up on certain things about each of them, that would help with their plan.

For example, they had figured out that Marcos was a sadist (which wasn't all that surprising to Remus). Jaeger seemed to go from person to person, desperately seeking something that could quench his hunger. Lefu manipulated and blackmailed those who disrespected him. And Thanatos was the biggest heartbreaker, killing and crushing the hearts of his victims. All in all, The Horsemen were an interesting and terrible bunch.

They also discussed who would be getting who.

"Alright," James began as he had taken up the role as leader, even though Remus and Peter were the ones that had come up with the plan. "Remus, I think you should get Marcos."

Remus' eyes widened and he shook his head desperately. "Wh-What? No!"

James sighed and looked at his friend. "Look, I know he's probably the last person you'd ever want to talk to but it seems that he's already shown an interest in you, which would make the plan so much easier." He finished, referring to what Remus had told them about Marcos coming up to him at the party.

Remus realized that James was right (which was a rare occasion) and sighed in defeat. "Alright."

"Good," James nodded his head in approval. "Now, Sirius –"

Before the messy haired boy could continue, he was cut off by Sirius himself, who almost jumped off of the floor in his excitement. "I want Jaeger."

The other three Marauders looked at Sirius curiously, wondering why he was so excited and so adamant on the Horsemen boy. Sirius, noticing their looks, shrugged with a grin.

"What? I think he's intriguing." He replied simply, keeping quiet on how he thought that there was a deeper, more desperate meaning to every conquest he had. And Sirius wanted to find out what it was.

"Okay then," James broke the awkward silence as him, Remus and Peter were still confused on Sirius' actions. So James ignored Sirius who seemed as if he were already thinking about his plan, with his hands in his lap, eyes closed and head tilted up. It was honestly the quietest any of them had ever seen the Black boy. He also ignored Remus who was pouting slightly with his arms crossed, no doubt upset about getting paired up with Marcos. However, to James, Remus simply looked like a child who had been told no.

"Peter," he said as he turned to the boy, watching as the mousy boy jumped slightly in surprise, having been lost in his own mind as he often was. "You get Lefu."

"W-Wait, what? Why!" Peter asked nervously, knowing that Lefu was one of the worst of The Horsemen. He didn't like the thought of what Lefu would do to him if he found out about The Marauders' plan.

"Relax," James tried to calm down the boy, who was almost shaking in nerves. "Nothing will happen, and if it does, we'll protect you, right?" He added at the end, looking at Remus and Sirius who had seemed to finally tune into the conversation. They nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yeah, of course Peter," Remus started softly as he looked at his friend with a smile.

"We'd never let anything happen to you," Sirius added on, giving Peter a clap on the back which may have been too hard but Peter didn't complain. He was lucky to have such incredible friends.

"Plus," James chimed in, "just like Remus and Marcos, Lefu has seem to taken in interest in you, if the flirty smiles and winks are anything to go by."

Peter's face turned a bright red as he recalled what James was talking about. Lefu had been looking and trying to flirt with him an awful lot lately.

"So," James spoke again, bringing the attention off of Peter. "That leaves me with Thanatos." James didn't really want to be with anyone, as he had the largest crush on Lily Evans, but he knew he would have to for the plan. Plus, he hoped that by getting in a 'fake' relationship and flirting with someone else, it would make Lily jealous.

"Now," James started again after a brief moment of silence as The Marauders took a second to think over their plan. "We should all start our plans at different times as it would be far too suspicious if we all started at the same time." All the Marauders nodded their heads in agreement to James' statement. They all wanted to make sure that their plan was as foolproof as possible.

"Okay," Sirius spoke up, his grey eyes glinting with excitement. "I'll start."

Everyone could tell that he was eager to interact with Jaeger and Remus had to hold his sweater covered hand up to his mouth to prevent his chuckle from escaping.

"No," James denied with a shake of his head, resulting in Sirius to pout like a child. "I think Remus should go first."

Said boy's eyes widened at James' words. "What? Why me?"

"Because, we all know how much of a charmer you are," James stated, clear sarcasm in his words which Remus picked up on. "You need as much time to work your 'magic' as you can possibly get."

Remus huffed and rolled his eyes but ultimately agreed. "Fine," he replied sulkily, crossing his arms like a child who didn't get their way. Sirius stuck out his tongue at the boy, as if asking 'who's the child now?'. Everyone knew it was still Sirius.

"Alright, then I'll go next, Sirius will go after me and lastly Peter." James finished off once he knew that Remus agreed.

Sirius pouted once more as he realized that he was second to last, as he was so eager to talk and get to know Jaeger. Sirius didn't know why but the boy was so fascinating to Sirius and he wanted to know everything about The Horseman.

"Okay, does anyone have any questions?" James asked, sounding a lot like a school teacher – to which Sirius voiced resulting in a pillow smacking him across the face, he still laughed, however. 

"Oh, I do!" Sirius exclaimed in excitement, raising his hand as if they actually were in class. Yet he continued without waiting for confirmation from James, resulting in an eye roll from the boy, but still everyone grinned once Sirius asked his question. "Who's ready to take down The Four Horsemen?"


It took a few months but here's the next chapter! The next chapter might take a little bit as I hadn't fully planned it out and I have no idea what to do (unless someone wants to help me???).

Anyway, what do you guys think of the Marauders' plan, have you guys figured it out yet? Also, who do you think will be your favourite couple/the most interesting? Let me know what you guys think!

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