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It was sometime late into the night on a Saturday, almost Sunday, and The Marauders and The Four Horsemen were attending a party in the Room of Requirement. The party was hosted by The Horsemen themselves and they were having a blast as they scoured for their next conquests. Hosting and attending parties was an easy way for the group to find someone (or sometimes multiple someones) to have fun with for the night.

The Marauders were having fun – although it was mostly Sirius and James as they were the party animals of the group. However, every one of them were still a bit cautious as they were at a Horsemen party. And you never knew what could happen at one of those. The Marauders had all the rumours of what had happened at past parties.

The Marauders – mostly Remus and Peter – had come up with the plan to get back at The Horsemen. However, The Marauders – again mostly Remus and Peter, were wary about actually executing it. Remus because he was unable to believe that someone, even as cruel as The Horsemen were, deserved that. And Peter because he was afraid of what they'd to do him and his friends if they found out.

Sirius and James immediately disagreed with the two, stating that The Horsemen deserved everything that their plan entailed, and more.

So that was why they were currently at a Horsemen party; so that they could spy on them. They had already been watching the four boys for a week but tonight was when they made their final decision on whether or not they should carry out their plan. So far, it was a definite yes.

"Hey," Remus spoke up – or more like yelled due to the loud volume of the music, breaking the silence that the group had been in since they arrived. They were more focused on their task of spying, rather than actually enjoying the party. "I'm going to go get a drink, do you guys want anything?"

"No, thanks," Peter politely declined, shaking his head.

"I'm good, but thanks, Moony." James responded and then Remus turned to Sirius, awaiting his reply.

"Yeah," Sirius responded with a nod. "A butterbeer would be great, thanks."

Remus nodded at the order and left, struggling to make his through the clump of people. He let out a breath of relief when he finally made it over to the drinks table, only having been pushed once. For him, that was an accomplishment in that crowd, but that didn't stop him from lecturing the girl until she apologized.

As Remus got to preparing his and Sirius' drinks, a few feet away from him was Marcos, another Horsemen. He was making out with some girl, and quite loudly as it could be heard over the deafening music.

It took awhile but eventually the girl pulled back, huffing and out of breath while Marcos remained calm and collected, acting as if he hadn't just been eating the other girl's face off. The girl leaned up, as she was considerably shorter than Marcos, to whisper in his ear, suggesting that they go somewhere a little more private.

Marcos automatically agreed as he didn't particularly fancy having sex in public – not that he would necessarily be opposed to it. It was at that moment that Marco caught sight of Remus, smirking once he did.

"Why don't you go to the nearest bathroom and I'll meet you there?" He suggested with a charming smile. The girl beamed and nodded, not even hesitating before she rushed off, but not before giving Marco another kiss.

Marcos wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, not even looking at the girl he had been kissing a few minutes prior as she left. Instead, his eyes were on Remus as he approached the Gryffindor who was oblivious to his presence – or at least pretending to be.

"Hey Lupin," Marcos greeted, knowing the other boy's name as they shared many classes with one another. "You're looking good tonight."

Remus blushed lightly as the Slytherin flirted with him but he tried to ignore Marcos' presence. Instead, he moved over to the food table and got started on making himself a plate, bringing his and Sirius's drinks along with him.

Marcos however, continued, not even bothered that Remus was ignoring him, simply following him as he went to the food. "But I think you would look even better tied up to my bed with welts all across your back. I can just see your pretty little face all flushed, looking up at me pleadingly as you beg me for release."

Marcos wanted to keep going but Remus snapped at that moment, dropping his plate of food before turning to look at Marcos, his face red in embarrassment.

"You can't talk to people like that, Marcos! I don't know why everyone wants to be with you but trust me, I don't and I would never want any of what you just said." Despite his words, Marcos could clearly tell that Remus was aroused, which he didn't hesitate to point out. That just made Remus angrier and he yelled at Marcos a bit more before storming back to his friends, missing Marcos' smirk and him staring at the Gryffindor's rear.

The Marauders looked at Remus curiously when he stormed his way back to them. They clearly noticed his apparent anger and lack of drinks – which Sirius was slightly sad about but he focused on his upset friend. The Marauders hadn't seen Marcos and Remus' reaction as they had been too busy watching the other three Horsemen. So they didn't know why Remus was so worked up.

"Remus?" Peter was the first to speak up, concerned about his friend. "What's wrong?"

"You guys were right," Remus said, looking at Sirius and James, who looked at him in confusion. "We're definitely going through with the plan – no voting necessary. The Horsemen need to know how it feels. "


It's been less than a week and here's another chapter! I am truly surprised and proud of myself lol. Sorry that this is much shorter than the prologue, I think most chapters will be, or they will just be all over the place.

Anyway, what did you guys think of The Horsemen's party and Marcos flirting with Remus? And Marcos in general? What about The Marauders spying on The Horsemen? Let me know!

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