Chapter 5

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After Lunch was over Rina came back into the classroom and did her work calmly. "So today we will be starting a project. Your all going to be put into groups of 2 that I will be picking, the project will be on human attration" he said. Then everyone groaned. After a while he said that I would be working with Rina, what can I do now? I'm supposed to work with the girl I love about a project on Love, like what the hell. "Rouge lets go to your place" she said startling me. I nodded. Then we left to my place since classes were over. When we arrived she was surprised to see I lived in an apartment. When we walked in she just stood there shocked. 

Rina's P.O.V. 

What the fuck. His place is so clean and organized. I walked in and I was still pretty much shocked. 'Why is she standing there? Did I do something wrong?' I heard what Rouge was thinking, I also heard his thoughts at school, seriously Rouge don't fall for me. "You didn't do anything wrong I'm just not used to seeing a place so clean. Don't fall for me I'm bad luck" I said making him blush darker than Erza's hair. I actually laughed. Which shocked me. "I haven't laughed in a while" I said before a real smile formed on my face. "I forgot you could read my thoughts" he said. "Well I am falling for you and I don't care what you say. Your not bad luck, your mine" he said turning even pinker. He made me laugh and smile and now he's making me laugh a lot whats with this guy. "Did I ever tell you what I found in the box you gave me" he asked. "No you never did" I said. "Well inside was a letter, from my mother. It explained a lot of what happened, but the part that shocked me was at the end. She said that I would fall for a girl, with purple hair, a girl that used an odd type of magic, a girl that hasn't laughed or smiled in a long time, a girl with a terrible past. That girl will soon come to the realization that she's bad luck when she's not. The girl with the arrow tattoo on her left ankle. That girl and me would soon become lover" he said which shocked me. "I think I should get going" I said before turning around trying to leave, trying not to remember what she had told me the day I met her and got that box. But Rouge grabbed my hand, just like she said. "I don't care if you don't love me Rina, but I want to help you smile, I want to make you happy, I wanna learn more about your past so I can help you" he said. I started tearing up. "She was right everyone of my emotions would return when I met you. Everything she said about you was true. I'm sorry but I'm shouldn't be with you" I said. Then her pulled me into a hug. Why? Why does my past affect me so damn much. "I want to be your Romeo, will you be my Juliet, Rina" he asked. "You know they both die" I laughed while wiping my tears. "Then we'll die together" he said. I just laughed. "So what do you say Rina, will you be my girlfriend" he asked. "I can't I told you, if I do then something bad will happen" I said. "And I told you, I want to be with you no matter what happens" he said. "Fine I'll go out with you" I said before laughing. Then he pulled me into a kiss. That really surprised me. Well we didn't get any work done so thats a bad thing. 

The next day I went to the guild since we only had classes once a week. When I got there I realized something, I forgot to wake up Crystal. 'Crystal wake up' I said through my mind. 'I'm up I'm going to the library then to the guild, thanks for waking me up by the way' she said 'Sorry well I'm going to go on a job with my glider ok' I said. 'Alright be careful' she said. Then I walked to the request board. I found a request to collect some moon stones from the bandits that stole them from a village, the reward was 50,000 jewels. So I got it. And left on my glider. 

When I got to the village I realized something, this is the village that I grew up in, before the incident. Then a man walked out of one of the houses, "Hello are you here for the job request" he asked. "Yes I'm Rina Fernandez, from Fairy Tail" I said. "Alright if you have any questions just ask me" he said. "What happened to the villagers that were here before you know the incident" I asked. "They all disappeared, they say that some of them survived but nobody has seen them" he said. "Do you mind if I take a look around" I asked. "Your one of the survivors huh, of course you can take your time sweetie" he said. Then I hopped off my glider and started walking around, I remember when I was little I used to run around so happily. I turned around to see a huge shady area in the corner. Thats where I met the shadow dragon when I was 15.  That was a year before the incident happened. I decided to go and hunt the thieves down instead of remembering my past. 

"Thank you very much" said the man, after an hour I had finally caught the thieves and I got the moon stones back. Before I left a little girl gave me a moonstone bracelet. While I was leaving my arrow tattoo suddenly burned my skin. It hurt like hell. I knew something was going on, it was something bad. And it had to do with Crystal. I hurried home. 'Crystal are you alright' I asked in my mind. 'Not really um well you see, someone took Lucy and I tried protecting her and I got hurt' she said. 'Seriously I'm on my way' I said the went to the guild. When I arrived I opened the door to see everything perfectly fine, and Lucy was sitting down talking happily. I was confused. Then Crystal came over. "Sorry I just needed you here as quick as possible. Natsu and Gray are in a fight and they hit me and I can't get them to stop" she said. "Natsu, Gray stop" I said, then they froze. "Sorry Rina" they said. Then I felt a pain in my thigh and I collapsed. "Somethings not right" I said. The last time this happened was when my village was destroyed by Deliorah. The bracelet shined and burned my skin. The village was in trouble. "I have to go back" I said trying to stand up. "Where are you going" asked Crystal. "To the village its in trouble" I said. "Well then lets go, your turn to be the cat" she said. Then she got on the glider and I turned into my cat form. Then we left to my village. When we got there, it was on fire. "Open gate of the water barer, Aquarius put this fire out" yelled Crystal. I jumped off the glider and transformed into my human form. I started getting people out of the houses and so did Crystal. When the fire was put out we checked the houses for the ones responsible for this. We found the bandits trying to harm the little girl that gave me this bracelet. "Leave her alone" I yelled. "Why should we she foiled our plans" said one of them. "Then die" said Crystal. We pulled out our rifles. "Twin Elimination" we said at the same time. We killed them all except for the little girl. Then she ran into my arms. "They killed my family, I have no where to go" she said. "Its ok. Why didn't they kill you" asked Crystal. "Because they couldn't. I was fighting them with magic that my papa taught me" she said. The girl was about 5 with the cutest pink hair. "Can we see the magic" I asked. Her eyes lit up. "Yeah. I have moon magic" she said. Then she formed a magic circle and out came moons, planets, and stars. It was  beautiful. "Whats your name" I asked. "I'm Lani" she said. "I'm Rina and this is Crystal" I said. "Hey Crystal you know how I'm moving out tomorrow into a bigger house cause you need your space, maybe I can take her with me" I suggested. "Thats fine with me" she said. "So what do you say, do you wanna live with me, and join a magic guild called Fairy Tail, and learn to control your magic and help others" I asked. "Yeah lets go" she said happily. Then I handed her to Crystal, and turned into a cat. And we went back to the guild. Thats exactly what happened to me, but nobody helped me or took me in when Deliorah destroyed my village, plus my brother disappeared. Now I can help her have a better life.

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