Chapter 6

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When we got to the guild everyone was confused. Well I don't blame them me and Crystal have blood on us, and I'm carrying a little girl also with blood on her. I walked over to master, "My, my Rina whats going on" he asked. "I recently went on a job request to my old village when I was back here, I recently knew that it was in trouble because Lani gave me a moon bracelet. She made it burn my skin to tell me that she was in trouble. We rescued the villagers and her but it was too late, her family was gone. She has moon light magic, so I want you to allow her to join the guild, and I cannot continue Magnolia High since I'm 18 and I have a kid to take care of" I stated. "Well then Lani what color do you want your guild mark to be" he asked. "Blue, on my shoulder" she said. Then I sat her down on the bar as Mirajane put the stamp. When she was done I gave her a mirror. And she smiled. "Welcome home, to Fairy Tail Lani" everyone said, making her happy. Soon enough she was friend with everyone in the guild. What surprised me the most was the fact that Laxus was playing with her. After awhile it was soon enough 3pm. "Lani lets get going, we need to go to the market so I can buy some things to make lunch" I said. Then she came. "Are we going to come back tomorrow" she asked. "Oh course we are, this is now your family too" I said and she smiled. She's the cutest little kid ever. When we got to the market she helped me buy the groceries. I also bought some new clothes and stuff for her since she shouldn't be wearing the same thing everyday. 

When we finally arrived at my new place her eyes lit up. I had just realized that I still hadn't put anything away so everything was in boxes in the living room. "You can go and choose the room you want upstairs ok Lani" I said and she nodded. I gave her, her stuff and she gave me the groceries. While I was putting the food away, Lani yelled from upstairs "I found my room". I walked upstairs to see she choose the room with a small bed in the corner and a huge mirror closet, and a big window in the center of the back wall. "Good pick, you can have anything in the boxes downstairs for your room, remember you'll need sheets, blankets, and pillows for your bed" I said. "Ok I almost forgot" she giggled. Then she zoomed down stairs and started moving the boxes around with her magic and it was so pretty. Then I set up the table and chairs in the dinning area. Then I started cooking lunch. Lani said she didn't like sea food, so I made spaghetti and meat balls, along with lemonade. "Lani its time for lunch, do you want to eat in your room" I asked. "Yes can you bring it up" she said. "Yeah I'm coming" I said, and grabbed our food and drinks. When I walked into her room the place was so colorful, I then realized she got into my paints. She had brushes in cans and cans on newspaper, she was so creative. "Here you go I hope you like it"I said and she thanked me. While we were eating I realized that she had painted the Fairy Tail guild mark on her wall along with music notes, and moons, and fairies, dragons, crystals, and flowers it was amazing. "Your really good at painting Lani" I said. "Thank you, my mommie told me to always express myself through art" she said. "Rina wheres your family" she asked. "My family, well they're dead. Me and my brother Jellal were the only ones that survived. We used to live in your village, but Deliorah came and destroyed our village. I was all alone, I couldn't find my brother. I couldn't smile for at least 3 years. But I meet some people, then I joined Fairy Tail, I found my brother, and I made some new friends along the way that made me happy which made me smile and laugh. I'm happy I met you Lani, your really creative, soon enough you'll find some friends that make you happy" I said. "I already have. I found Fairy Tail, and they make me happy, and you do too" she said with a smile. Then we finished and I went downstairs to wash the dishes. Then I heard a knock on the door, so I answered and who do you think I find? Well I found Crystal holding a little boy that was like 5. She came in and said, "I'm an idiot. The orphanage was burning, I wasn't thinking, I saved them all, and I adopted this little one, his name is Dylan and he's 5" she said making me face palm. "So your a single mother" I said. "Hey your a mother too" she said. "No I'm not I didn't adopt Lani, I didn't give birth to her. I'm giving her a better life, I'm protecting her, I'm helping her" I was going to continue until she interrupted me. "Your being a mother" she said. Oh dammit I am being a mother. "Ok I get it now whats going on" I asked. "Well Sting wants to come over and do the project but I have to take care of Dylan, and honestly I can't do that project with a kid" she said. "Master already knows were too old to go to school so you can drop out, but if you don't want to than I can take are of Dylan when you go to school, but the project is your problem" I said. Then Lani came downstairs. "Hey Lani, remember me I'm Crystal, and this is my newly adopted son Dylan" said Crystal. "Hi I'm Lani, do you wanna play with me" she asked Dylan and he nodded, then he went with Lani upstairs and they went to play. "Aw thats cute. Oh yeah Sting is coming over here in 5 minuets so can we work on the project here just for today" she asked. "Yeah its no problem I'll be unpacking if you need me" I said then I went back to unpacking and putting my stuff away. After a few minuets the door bell rang. So I got up and answered the door. "Hey Sting come in Crystals in the living room, don't mind the boxes I'm barely unpacking" I said then we heard Crystal yell, "Dylan, Lani come downstairs if you want some cookies". When he walked in he saw Crystal giving Dylan and Lani bags of cookies. "Hey Sting. This is my son Dylan, and thats Lani, she's Rina's daughter" she said. Sting stood there speechless. "I adopted him today cause of a fire incident ok don't be a weirdo and think other wise" she said. "Ok lets just start the project" he said. Then they started while Lani and Dylan were munching on cookies while I read them a story. It was the weirdest day ever. I hope tomorrow it doesn't get any weirder than this. 

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