How To Save A Life[Chapter 8]

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“Angel don’t go! I just got here.” Dan wined as I grabbed my truck’s keys. I was at Rupert’s house.

“You’ve been here for an hour.” I said.

“Duh. I just got here. Gosh, I thought you was smart.” Dan said. I rolled my eyes. Rupert laughed. I hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mines behind his back.

“I’ll see you later.” Rupert kissed my forehead.

“You’ll see me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but I’ll text you.” I said. Our lips meet. If lips had feelings, I’m pretty sure mines will feel sad.

“When has this been going on?!” Dan threw his arms up dramatically. I laughed.

“What? Do you want some too?” I asked sarcastically.

“Well, if you insist.” Dan closed his eyes and puckered up. I put my hand on his mouth.

“Your hand taste like Rupert.” Dan said. I arched an eyebrow.

“Long story.” Rupert scratched the back of his head. I laughed and kissed him . “and I don’t want you going to your dad’s.” He said. I look at him. He looked back at me. I gave my ‘fine, I give up’ look and he smiled. I laughed and kissed him.

“Bye.” I said. I walked outside, got in my truck, and started the engine. I waved and Dan and Rupert waved back. I backed out and put in a CD. I was going to visit my dad. I didn’t care what Rupert said. I had to pick up my sister first. I stopped by my house and she ran out.

“Ready?” I looked at her.

“Ready.” She said. We left and we drove in silence. It wasn’t awkward, but it was comfortable. We we’re silent for about an hour until I broke it.

“Rose.” I said.

“Yeah?” She asked and looked at me.

“I was thinking, since we both are growing up and no longer live together,…” I said.

“Go on.”

“What if we never see each other again?” I asked. She looked at me with sadness.

“Give me your pocket knife.” She said. Without taking my eyes off the road, I reached inside my pocket and gave her my pocket knife. She cut her palm and mines. She held my hand.

“It’s no longer just your blood or my blood. It’s our blood. We‘ll probably die together. Remember we promised when we were younger.” She said. I smiled at her and squeezed her hand. We held each other’s hand the whole way there. I stopped the truck and we got out. I knocked on the door still holding my sister’s hand. The door opened.

“Angel, Rose.” My dad hugged us and we let our hands drop. My dad’s hug wasn’t very pleasant.

“Hi, dad.” I said awkwardly.

“Um, I’m sorry, but I’m about to go out with the boys.” He said as a truck pulled up.

“We’ll just stay here.” Rose said as my father went towards the truck.

“There’s food on the stove!” He yelled and hopped in the truck. They left and we went inside.

“Typical.” My sister scoffed. I smirked and sat down on the couch. I turned on the television as my sister sat down next to me. I’ve must of fell asleep because I woke up to a door slamming. Rose woke up and we looked at each other.

“Rose, Angel! Where are you? Come out and say hi to the boys! NOW!” My father slurred. My father was drunk. “GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE!” He yelled. Rose and I ran upstairs, into the room, and locked the door. We pulled the dresser in front of the door and begun opening the window. There was knocking on the door.

“OPEN UP!” He yelled.

“Go. Hurry up, Rose. You go first. GO!” I yelled for my sister. She climbed out the window, down the rail, and landed on the ground. There was a thud and I started climbing out the window. The window came down hard on my rib and I let out a scream. He pulled it down.

“Where are you going!” My dad tried snatching me back in. I started to cry.

“Please, Daddy. No, daddy. No! Daddy, no. Please, father. Please!” I said as my dad hit me in the stomach. I was still trapped in the window. I kicked as hard as I could.

“AAARGH!” My father let out as I kicked him in his face. I rolled out and landed on my back. I heard something snap and had a sharp pain in my leg. I looked at my leg and it was twisted and had glass in it. I pulled out a pieces and blood was everywhere. I got up.

“AARRGH!” I cried as I fell back down. Rose helped me up as we ran to my truck. She got in the driver’s sit, but I pushed her to the passenger’s. We put our seat belts on.I started the engine and drove with my bad leg. I sped up uncontrollably for my leg wasn’t working very well.

“Angel, slow down.” Rose said. “Angel, slow down.” She said once more. “ANGEL, SLOW DOWN!” She yelled. “WATCH O-”

My truck crashed into a huge boulder. We tumbled, rolled, and hit our heads. I felt blood in the back of my head. The sharp pain in my leg started turning into a burning pain. Glass hit my arms and chest. The truck stopped and my head landed on the horn. I heard a continous honking.

Rose P.O.V

I looked up. The truck was slowly rolling into the lake. I unbuckled my seat belt as the truck splashed into the water. I swam out the window and went up for air. I went back down and went into the truck. I unbuckled my sister’s seat belt and swam back up. I gasped for air. I pulled my sister carefully onto the land. I did CPR.

“Angel, don’t you die on me. You made a promise. Angel, don’t leave. Angel, please don’t leave me.” I sobbed as I pumped her chest. I pulled out my phone and dialed the emergency room.

“Yes, my sister and I went to visit our dad and he went out with his friends. He’s a drunk and came back drunk. We ran up into our room and tried to escaped. She fractured two ribs and broke her leg. Yes, I’m a medical student. We hit a boulder in the middle of the street and rolled into a lake. Please, hurry she’s loosing too much blood and she has a lot of water in her system.”

“Okay ma’am, help us on the way.” The man said and we hung up. I sat down next to my sister. I cried hard. I saw someone come. It was our dad.

“What do you want?” I yelled.

“I’ve came to help-”

“You never helped. Get out of here. Leave. Just go before the cops come. Leave and never come back!” I yelled, but he didn’t move. I got up and pushed him. “LEAVE! LEAVE! I DON’T WANT YOU TO TAKE MY BABYSISTER FROM ME YOU BASTARD! I WON’T LET YOU HURT ANYONE IN MY FAMILY! LEAVE!” I pushed him again and sat next to Angel. He didn’t move so I threw rocks at him. He ran away.

“Angel, don’t leave me, please. I love you! Angel, I know I don‘t say it enough, but, sis, I love!”






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