How To Save A Life[Chapter 17]

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I giggled as tiny kisses covered my neck.Small nips replacing the kisses.Moaning replacing the giggles.I laughed when I was twirled on top.

"I don't want to crush you." Rupert smiled.I rolled my eyes as my hands found their way to his bare chest.

 "I'm not that small." I bit my lip.

"You're not small,you're fun sized." He smirked and found my hands.Our fingers automatically laced between each other.I smiled.He unlaced our hands and placed his on my waist.I put mines on top of his and lead them up my tank top.His hands were touch my curves.His fingers felt good on my bare skin.

 "I've noticed these burns going down the right side of your stomach,waist,and thighs.If you don't mind me asking,what happened?" He looked into my eyes.I stared into those beautiful eyes.I couldn't lie to him.I knew he felt the burnt skin.

"My dad isn't a horrible man." I looked at the wall and back at those pleading eyes.

"He abused you and neglected you.How is not a horrible man?" Rupert's eyes were changing colors.He was growing angry.

"His father and mother didn't like him.His mom made him go through life or death challenges and his dad was a drunk.Basically,his house was a hell hole.There wasn't love for him and he was raised liked he lived in a sweat shop.All that anger.I can't blame him for drinking." I looked away from those eyes.I could fell them burning a hole in my face.

I felt him shift.He sat up and I was now in his lap.His hands took my head and turned me towards him.I let my eyes wonder some where else.His eyes were still burning into me,so I turned to face him. "You're beautiful,did you know that?I love you and it makes me crazy to know some prick would go and hit you.That makes me mad.He had and has no rights to do that.It's just not right."

"It's just...I don't..." I was cut off by a tender kiss.My eyes closed and I gave in.That was my weakness.He was my weakness.My kryptonite.Yes,I may be cliche and corny,but I was unconditionally and irrationally in love with him.


My tongue stuck out  from the side of my mouth as I pressed on the PS3 remote.I felt two strong hands pick me up and sit me back down.I turned around quickly and saw Rupert.I was now on his lap.I turned back to the screen.I had the most kills and points on Zombies.

"I'm leaving." He whispered.I thought he was just going to the store or something so I just nodded. "I'm leaving to LA and then New York." He said.My heart raced and I nearly dropped my remote.My breathing

"You're leaving me here.Are you leaving me leaving me?" I asked.I hung my head low and felt my heart about to explode into tiny pieces and not in the good way.I heard him gasp.

He squeezed me tight. "No,Angel no.No,Angel,not that.I got a call back to do the film CBGB." He reassured me.My heart was back to regular pace.

"Don't you ever do that again.Please,don't." I looked him in the eyes. "Go and have fun.I'll stay here.I can hang out with Cassie or Emma.Alex and Layla can come in the picture." I smiled.

I tried to focus off of the subject.I can't think of him leaving. "Are you sure?" Rupert looked at me.I smiled and kissed him.

"Positive.When are you leaving?" I went back to playing the game.I heard him sigh and felt him tense.Rupert is hiding something.He always acts like this when he's hiding something.

"Well,you see.I have to leave tomorrow morning." Rupert dug his head into my neck.Why was he just telling me this today?Why hadn't he told me this a week or two ago? "I know you're mad,but please I didn't want to worry you."

"It's fine.Just go and have fun.I'll be alright.I swear." I felt like dying.I ended the game.I got up and went to the kitchen,leaving Rupert on the couch.I leaned on the counter.I felt pain in my stomach.I looked in the refrigator and got a Coke Zero.

"Babe?" Rupert's arms snaked around my waist.I turned around and looked at him.I closed my eyes.I tried to not to imagine a couple of months without him.I couldn't imagine a a week without him.This was going to be hard. "I love you."

"I love you,too.Really,Rupert,I'm fine here without you.You can call and check up on me or something.I'm going to do fine.I know you think I might get into some trouble,but that's just who I am." I looked into my oceans. "And I trust you."

Rupert looked at me for a minute.His arms were still wrapped around my waist and his eyes were on me.I felt him pull me closer.He looked at my lips and bit his lip.I bit mines and looked at his lips.Rupert's eyes met my eyes.He grabbed my face gently and kissed me.My hands were now on his face. "I trust you too." He smiled and walked into the living room.

"I'm going to go take a shower." I whispered.I walked upstairs and into our room.I went into the restroom,closed the door,and locked it.I slid onto the floor and crawled to the shower.I turned it on and sat by the toilet.

I let the tears roll down my face.He was leaving and I was crying.Why was I crying?I broke out into sobs and took off my clothes.Crawling into the shower,my body shook from sobs.

He's leaving you.He doesn't want you anymore.He's tired of you.Nobody wants you.That's why your father beat you.You're nothing,but a piece of shit at the bottom of my shoe.

She was back and hunting my every thought.

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