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chapter one -  Sorry hotstuff, last time I checked, this doesn't have your name on it.

I Pull up to Wessleton High, my new school, in my brand new 2014 black Mustang, which I bought with some savings and after selling my mini Cooper, though I do miss her this is much more my style.

To my surprise this school is more than 3x the size of my previous school, and there are no parkings what so ever. I drive around for a good 5 minutes and find its hopeless. Until I see it, the perfect parking spot, smack bam in front of the school doors. Why no one has parked here? I have no idea, nor do I care. Pulling into the spot I hop out of my car and it seems as if everything goes in slow motion. Students walking around are staring at me. Some even bumping into poles, I cant help but laugh to my self, seeing as I've caused this much of a reaction. Let's say I do not look like the girl I was at my last school, I traded in my sun dresses and cardigans for skinny jeans and cute leather jackets, not wanted to seem emo wearing only black. 

"Hey, sweetcheeks. Care to move your car from my parking spot?"
I turn around to be met with, a god. And by god I mean, OH. MY. GOD HE'S HOT. He has light brown, almost red eyes with short brown hair. He is  tan and medium built, not skinny but not too bulky that you find it revolting, or at least I do.

"Sorry 'hotstuff', last time I checked, this doesn't have your name on it"
I emphasize the nickname I gave him, and pretend to look for what could be a sign or tag, indicating that he owns this park.

"And the names Ataaria"
I say with one last smirk and walk away. Feels good not having to hold back my inner sassyness.

I hear him say something, but ignore it and continue to walk inside the gigantic building. I pull out my timetable and look to see what I have first, knowing it'll take me at least half an hour to find it. Reading my timetable it says I have music first, in 13KR. Well it would be great if I had some directions.

As if the great gods read my mind I hear a deep voice come up behind me.

I look behind me only to find the same guy who said I stole his park, stangley enough his hair seems noticibly longer, and I stand there staring at him wondering how on earth it grew withing 5 minutes, he must take my confused stare as confirmation, because he laughs and takes my timetable from my hands.

"Looks like you have music, I'm not in your class but I could walk you there?"
He offers and I smile.


We begin walking down a crowded hall way and I can't help but feel as if everyone is staring, like literally gawking. I'm tempted to shout at them for their rude manners untill hotstuff speaks.

"So, what did you say your name was?"

Even though I already told him I laugh.

"That's a pretty name, it suits you. I never met an Ataaria before"

I give a light laugh at the genuine compliment and smile at him. It's been along time since ive smiled this much willingly, and I like it, I like it a lot.
"Well I'm glad to be the first. And your name is?"

He answers, with a small smile and a nod ahead of us.

"Well this is 13KR, class doesn't start for another 5 minutes, but my class is all the way on the other side of school. Soo.. Yeah, nice meeting you Ataaria"
He gives me another smile and a wave good bye, as I return it.

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