Her Name

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Time/Setting: AU - just a random little thing, fluff/drabble.

"Elizabeth, love, please don't leave just yet."  The pirate murmured in her ear. His hot breath and soft words made her shudder. And when he said her name...

"I have to, Jack, before one of the maids or my father himself realizes I'm gone. Will you be back tomorrow?" She responded, sad to leave but anxious to get back.

"I wouldn't have to come back if you'd just come with me, pet." He held her close, his bare, tan skin touching her perfect paleness.

"Jack -" she gasped as he silenced her with a soft kiss, "Don't make this harder than it already is. I hate myself for making you hang around here all day. I can't go with you, Jack, but I love you," she stopped herself, knowing how absolutely selfish she sounded. If she really loved him why couldn't she find a way? She did love him, though! The question taunted her everyday - and every night, around this time.

"Love, I'll be back tomorrow night, don't feel bad, I love you. I love you, Lizzy,"  He tangled his hands in her hair.

"I'll find a way, Jack. One day we can sail away, but not tonight." She kissed him one last time and pulled her clothes back on.

He caught her in a tight embrace before she went. "Goodbye, pet," he whispered softly, his mouth barely moving.

She quickly swung her legs over the rails and climbed down to the docks. Port Royal at night was no place for a lady, she knew, but she wasn't so sure that's what she was anymore. If anyone knew what she was doing, they certainly wouldn't call her a lady. Shaking the thoughts away, she hurried home and climbed up the ivy to her open window. How she loved that pirate. The pirate she had read about, the one she had wished to meet for years and years. She loved everything he did, how he moved, how he loved, how he said her name... But she felt so guilty, leaving him to sail in the same waters in the day time only to have her for an hour or two at night. It was risky, too, with the trading company and the navy right there, on the lookout and ready to kill any pirate they saw. How she wanted to scream to them that he wasn't an animal to be hunted. But doing such a thing would blow their cover. Anyways, with all the risks involved in their love, Elizabeth wasn't sure she was worth it. But Jack loved her enough to do that. If only her priorities were as right as his. She didn't mean to be selfish, but she was a coward and she knew it. She was afraid if she went with him, they would find her and kill Jack, too.  She told herself she had to stay here to protect him, but she wasn't much of a liar either.

The next day was filled with the same boring and irritating rituals. Corset laced tighter than ever, she was brought to this event and that theater, like some kind of show pony, always getting complemented and politely greeted - she was the Governor's daughter, after all. The young men followed her carriage here and there, asking her father to speak with her for a moment. "Just a moment, Governor Swann! She's getting to be that age and... might I add, she's easy on the eyes!" The phrase was well-known, with few varied words throughout the many young men who said it. She often wondered if they had to say it, if there was some odd club that had made the phrase. Whenever they were granted this moment to speak with her, though no one but the young man who was with her knew, she would glare at them and remain completely silent until the end. 

"Now, if you don't go back out there and tell my father you will consider me, I will let all hell loose on you and your family. I am not interested in you or any other man in this godforsaken port, but I surely won't have my father knowing this." She hated saying it - it made her sound like such a spoiled brat, but it was the only way to remain faithful to Jack.

Today was no different, and she had to repeat her little phrase to a handful of surprised men - most ladies didn't use such language, even if they were some kind of mean or rude. She was sure some of them knew - generally - where she had learned to use such language but did not care. Today she was anxious for night to come, and grew more irritated with her little village every second. The feeling wasn't uncommon, but today she was genuinely considering sailing away with Jack tonight. 

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