The Pirate King

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Time: Mid AWE? Elizabeth is the Pirate King and Jack has the Pearl back. Everything should be alright for them, right? Not yet.

He watched her everyday until they sailed too far apart. His first few days were lonelier than ever, and he often watched the ship through his spy glass. His girl, his beautiful, delicate Lizzie was a Pirate King now. She was strong.

The rain beat down hard those first few days. It was as if the whole universe knew Jack was sad. Sad did not cover his feeling. He was miserable without his girl. The sound of rain beating down on his Black Pearl hurt his head and taunted him with sounds like that of a heartbeat. He wasn't sure his heart was beating anymore.

Not without her.

The first day was the worst, he thought, because there was a sliver of hope that she would come back. He leaned against the rails of the Pearl, watched as Elizabeth led her crew and prepared to sail away. He remembered every detail. The sounds, the weather, it was clear as day to him. Every time she came to the side of the deck nearest to him, his heart would skip a beat and he'd wish she would jump onto the Pearl and sail away with him. That's what he wanted. Maybe it's what she wanted to, he liked to think.


She would shoot him glances when she came near, too, pulling up anchors and glancing. Moving crates, gazing. Did she want him? 

The ship sailing away that evening answered his question.

Although he didn't believe it was true. He never did. So he ordered his crew to follow them. Gibbs questioned. The others hesitated at every job they had, glancing back and forth till Jack became irritated and did it himself. Muttering about how they were wasting time, he'd hastily prepare things until they could set sail. Elizabeth, at one point, called out to him. He thought he was dreaming. He knew he wasn't when she asked why he was following.

"You know damn well why, pet," he called in a voice coated in velvet. 

"You've got things to do, Jack," her voice was desperate, he liked to think because if she saw him another second she'd come to him and leave her work behind.

"What makes you think you know what I have to do, pet?" He purred, just loud enough for her to hear over the little expanse between them.

She snapped at him that day and he went to his cabin for a long time. Nobody bothered their captain that day. He left his lamps burning till they couldn't burn anymore and he cried in the night. He did not sleep, he wondered if he would ever sleep without her delicate little body beside him.

She had become too strong for him. But did she love him? He loved her.

The next few days he ordered his crew to keep following, but hang back a little. They did as they were told with no hesitation this time. He was quiet for long periods of time, and could only be heard every so often muttering her name. 

Little Elizabeth, in her armor. He had made her a pirate. He had driven her away. 

But she had done that...

Kissed him.

Locked him up.

Locked up his heart, too.

He forgave her for that, he did. He remembered how she felt, so close to him in the hot sun. It slowed time - the chaotic rush of time - when she kissed him. But it was not the last time. The two of them sneaked around for weeks, always at night. Will always slept in a separate bunk -despite there being one large enough to accommodate both of them - which made it easy for Elizabeth to get to Jack. He loved finding his girl at his door, and took her happily every time she came. Later, they'd find themselves curled up close together, in the dim lamp-light, talking about the sea and their plans and snuggling closer together under the thin, cool sheets. He missed those days.

Now, he sat on the top step to the upper deck, squinting in search of his girl. Losing track of the days, he wished there was no such thing as time. No such thing as love. Because if there was no love, there'd be no heartbreak, and he wouldn't have this terrible ache in his heart. A desperate ache for his little girl. For his Elizabeth.

For his Pirate King he loved so dearly.

Maybe one day, maybe one day she'd sail back.

Yes, she would be turning her ship toward him and be back any day now. He would be waiting where he was right now. And he'd see her, yes, the sun glinting off that magnificent armor she wore, lighting up her honey colored hair. She would smile her smile of absolute perfection when she saw him. The whole scene would become to much for old Jack and he'd jump over and swim the remaining distance to her ship, pulling himself up over to her deck. He'd hug her little frame to his large one. They would be in love, and he'd never lose her again.

Maybe that's how he would return to his Pirate King. 

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