Why Are You Here?

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Time: COTBP AU // Jack has been caught at Port Royal for just looking like a pirate and who else is there but a beautiful new girl, ELizabeth Swann.

Jack had been caught this time. Those dirty Port Royal guards! All he wanted to do was commandeer a nice old ship, there. He didn't even have time to look at those ships! He silently curse himself for looking so much like a pirate as he was dragged to their little jail. Quickly, he considered charming them into letting him go and thought up some witty comments.

"Y'know, Mr. uhm... what's your name, sir?" he started, turning to the young man on his right.

"None of your business, pirate," The last word had been practically spat out. 

"Ah, well, I'd just like to thank you for protecting this beautiful - and I mean beautiful - little village from pirates but, see, I'm of no danger. Nope, not at all. See I was just admiring your ships out in the port there and -" A hand gruffly was capped over his mouth, turning his words into no more than muffled noises.

"Get in there," The man who had him by his left arm had said, shoving him into a seemingly empty cell.

"Might I ask when I'll be set free?" He offered, his last bits of charm fading fast.

"Ask the dog," One of the men jerked a thumb towards a scrawny dog holding some keys in his mouth. Tons of prisoners in the next cell were reaching for him and calling with no luck.

"Jackass," Jack muttered as they walked away, leaving him alone.

"Right?" A small voice scared him nearly out of his skin.

"Who said that?!" He exclaimed, backing himself against the stone wall that separated the cells. 

"I'm Elizabeth," A young girl crept from the shadowy corner of the cell and moved towards him. She looked to pretty to be in prison, Jack thought, and hardly strong enough or old enough to do anything that might get her the punishment of prison.

"Nearly scared me out of me skin, 'Lizabeth," Jack purred, instantly intrigued. 

She moved to sit beside him. His heart started beating fast. Who knew prison could hold such opportunities? He grinned and turned himself so they were facing each other. The faint glow of firelight was reflected in her soft green eyes and bouncing off her wavy honey-colored hair. It made her look so perfect, so angelic. Jack could only imagine what she looked like in the light, or in a place that wasn't prison.... or in his cabin...

"What brings ye here, Miss - or is it Mrs?" He stopped himself and, although he wasn't religious, prayed to every ultimate being he knew of that she had no man in her life.

"Just Miss," she smiled a sweet little smile that made Jack melt. "I got caught stealing some nice jewelry in the village. Nothing really, but certainly not what the governor's daughter should be caught doing." Her voice was soft but Jack could tell it was touched with a bit of mischief. 

Governor's daughter, yes? Certainly he wouldn't be approved of, but he was Captain Jack Sparrow. He did not need approval. Not from her father. "Oh, savvy," he nodded and waited for his velvety voice to affect her like it did all the other women in his life. "See, Miss Elizabeth, I'm here for simply looking  like a pirate, would you believe it?" He purred, looking deep into her eyes.

"Well," she started, but looked away shyly.

"Well, what, pet?" A nickname, already? Yes, a nickname. Of course he was a gentleman, but he was also a pirate, and what harm could come from a nickname?

"Nothing," she looked down, and he couldn't help but notice how adorable she looked like that. 

"No, now you've got to tell, see, because you've started. You've gone and sparked my interest, don't leave me in suspense." There was that charm again. Gently, he lifted her chin with a single finger.

"I was just going to say how sometimes they've got to do that, y'know? With all these pirates around it could get... dangerous," Her voice, oh her sweet little voice. 

"Ah, well, see pet, not all pirates are the same, did you know?" His voice was as smooth as honey when he spoke to her. His deep brown eyes got caught in her pretty little green ones and he was amazed. How could one woman be so beautiful?

"Oh, is that so?"

She was feisty, too! Shocked at the sudden burst of personality thrown his way, Jack chuckled deep in his throat and took her hand in his. 

"I wouldn't ever lie to you, love. See, a pirate like myself is much different than say... oh, all those other pirates. This pirate," he paused and lowered his voice, "He's got a heart," 

"Does he?" Elizabeth leaned closer to him.

"Psst!" A hiss came from the tiny barred window on the wall. Jack was the only one tall enough to see it out of the two of them. "There's a loose few stones in that cell, sir. If you two're lookin' for some privacy,"

Jack thanked the helpful prisoner on the other side and returned to Elizabeth. 

"Now, pet, I've been informed that there's some loose stones in here and a private place underneath, if you're interested?" 

"Maybe show me that heart of yours?" She whispered, taking his hand.

"Most definitely, pet,"


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