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James feels along the wall for a lightswitch and flicks it upwards, it clicks and suddenly the room is
bleached white. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust but once they have adjusted James sees in the
chair is a woman. Her hair is coloured red like blood, and dripping, it takes a moment for James to realise
it but her hair is dripping blood, hence why her hair is red, blood red. James walks towards her and
reaches to touch her shoulder and see if she is ok and hopefully get her to explain where he is and why
he is here.
James reaches towards her and closes his eyes, when he opens them, he realises that she is gone and he is
simply pushing against a wooden mannequin, As James tries to process what has just happened, he hears
heavy footsteps behind him, James swings around to find nothing, James then turns back towards the
mannequin, and surprisingly enough, it has disappeared, and all that is left is a piece of paper, On the
paper it simply reads in big red letters “Basement” and on the back is “~J” James has had enough of this
and is getting sick of being played with, James storms towards the door when he suddenly hears a man
whispering “Jane” this instantly brings James to a stop and he looks around frantically, after five
minutes of looking around for what made that noise, James decides that he needs to find the basement.
James looks around the ground floor for an entrance to the basement but can't find anything, but at last
he finds a door, he begs that this is the one door that can lead to the basement. James slowly opens the
door and finds a dark and musty smelling cellar like room, but this doesn’t look like a generic cellar, this
looks like a stereotypical torture room from any mediocre american movie, in front of him as he steps into
the room, is a pole, wrapped around this pole centered in the middle of the room is a bunch of wires, of
all different colours, James follows the wires with his eyes without entering the room, the wires lead to
a table, and on this table is the girl, the girl from the painting. James, instantly in a trance by her beauty, walks towards her and looks over her on the table, she is in a
blood stained white dress and has all of these wires connected to her, it seems that all of her limbs are
connected to a wire, her forearms connected to yellow, legs to blue, head to white and torso to black, on
the other side of table is a control panel, it looks like a wind turbine control panel, with levels of energy
and a bunch of lines and numbers, then under the control panel is where all the wires are, but now, they
are headed to another room.

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