PART ONE Chapter one- Feeders, blood whores and me- 'the wannabe vamp'

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So this is some new thing I started... Please comment to tell me if it's worth continuing or not!!



Chapter one- Feeders, blood whores and me- 'the wannabe vamp'

I sat at the window seat, staring out at the gray suburbs. From here I could see the 'Feeders Center', an ugly gray block of cement. That's the only future I could have. The only future anyone in this city can have. I stared at it with such hate that I was almost surprised that it didn't burst into flames. I hugged my arms around my knees, and stared at the magnificent blue sky above my head, thinking about how life would be without the vamps.

It would be great.

I snapped out of my daydreams as I stared at the woman who quickly walked on the sidewalk, shooting alarmed glances around her, as if something could jump up at her at any moment. But it was possible, with all the vampires in this place. As I saw my best friend's car pulling into my driveway, I grabbed my backpack and flung it on my shoulder. Yet another day at that useless place they call school. As if it was any use. The only possibilities we had for a career were:

-To work at the 'Feeders Center'.

-To be a blood whore.

-To be a simple Feeder.

-To become one of THEM (that required a great lot of money, something I don't have.)

Yeah, great, I know.

I opened the door to the passenger's seat and threw my backpack on the backseat, while sitting down beside my red haired best friend ironically named Cherry. Her hair was a cherry-red color, a complete contrast against her ghostly white skin. She almost looked like one of them. Almost.

But the smile she gave me, full of warmth and of life, made her definitely human. She didn't have that seductive attitude, that feline grace that goes along with immortality. She was just an ol' plain human.

She wasn't emo or goth, even though her style said another story. But she couldn't be assigned in one group. She had her own personality, her own style. She was Cherry-labelled.

I glanced at the rear-view mirror, frowning at my reflection. My pale skin was creamy, but not pale enough to look like one of them. And if I could get some tan, I would turn a golden shade, labelling me as human for good. My long, black and shiny hair seemed to gleam with the sunlight, and my vivid dark blue eyes with violet flecks stared back at me with a humourless ironic sparkle in them. I tousled my hair slightly, to look a little less preppy. Yeah, I looked preppy, with my high cheekbones, my full lips and my big, almond-shaped eyes. I was also tall and thin, almost skinny, which gave me a top-model look. I hated myself, because sometimes (okay, most of the time), people took me for one of THEM. Which could sometimes be useful. So I hid myself under oversized hoodies or sweatshirts. I always had my hood on, and today wasn't any exception.

"How are you?" asked Cherry pleasantly, glancing at me with her chocolate brown eyes.

"Good as hell." I replied as pleasantly as she asked, glancing out the window, peering at the pedestrians.

Then I saw one of THEM. A vampire. He was leaning against the 'Feeders center' and talking to an unsuspecting girl, who seemed completely under his charm. What was he doing? Inciting her to become a blood whore so she'll have a 'better future'?

"Stop." I said to Cherry. She looked at me quizzically. "I can't watch him do this." I said pointing to the vamp. "I have to stop it."

Cherry stared at the cute little scene I was pointing to, and parked her car near the sidewalk. I jumped out of the car and stared at the chocolate haired vamp, my hate toward him making my cheeks burning.

"What the hell do you want?" he asked.

I slid back my hood, revealing my face to him. He looked quite startled and backed off from the girl. My eyes were burning into his, and I could feel that he was thinking that I was some high-ranked vamp or something. So much for preppy looks and pale skin.

"Go back to where you belong." I snarled, showing him my strangely pointed canines, which could easily pass for fangs. He gulped and walked quickly past me with an apologetic 'yes'. I looked after him, until he was gone. Then I turned back to the girl, and to my surprise, I recognized Grace, a smart junior at my school. But she didn't look grateful at all. She looked furious.

"How dare you?! HE was going to take me to the other direct feeders! He was going to make me one of them! You just ruined my future!" she yelled, gesturing furiously, her short and curly brown hair making her look like some kind of oversized poodle.

Direct feeders = Blood whores.

"Wow wow... calm down would ya? You actually wanted to become a blood whore?" I asked.

She blinked several times, slowly processing the information.

"You mean a direct feeder." she said, her eyes still angry. "And yes, I would like to. It's the only way to get me out from this hellhole so I don't see what's so bad about it. And I heard that once you become a direct feeder, you get to party everyday and..."

"And you get drained of your blood by some filthy bloodsuckers?!!! Is that what you heard too?! That you get completely addicted to their bites?? You heard that?!!! Or are all you stupid friends just as blind as you are??! I bet you didn't know that they could take too much blood and kill you??!!!!" I yelled back, my voice arising with anger as the words escaped my mouth. I felt my eyes pricking with tears that were menacing to escape them.

I felt someone grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

"Enough." said Cherry, taking me back to the car. "It's dangerous to say what you just did. You should've known better.

"I can't believe this!" I said, my voice broken. "Didn't they see what happened to Claire??" I asked incredulously.

I thought about my silly sister, her laugh... her death.

She died because some stupid vampire took too much blood from her.

Yes, she was a blood whore.

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