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I had been staying with Got7 for a couple days, but today someone aggressively knocked on the door. JB had got up from the couch and opened the door.

"My sister in here?" I heard the voice I never thought I'd hear again, My older sister.

"Ne, she's right here." JB said and I could tell he was confused.

"Sister Shan-Ray." another voice said, but this one I swore he was in a coma a few days ago.

"Seungkwan?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said as I started to clearly see him, our older sister, S.Coups, Hansol and Joshua.

"Are you coming home or are you staying with a group  you barely know?" Hansol asked, Hansol's eyes held anger within them.

"I got to know know them." I said.

"Who are you?" Jackson asked wrapping an arm around my shoulders, at his action Hansol's eyes went from angry to pained in a matter of .01 seconds.

"Get your arm away from my sister." seungkwan said anger in his voice.

"Seungkwan she looks safe if you continue fighting everyone she makes as of a friend I will let her stay her here." S.coups said.

"Thank you S.coups." I said shrugging Jackson's arm off of my shoulders.

"I am not trying to guilt trip you, I didn't even want this kid to come, but he insisted he came along, just to see your face one last time if you stay." S.coups said and disappeared into the hallway.

S.coups came back with Dino next to him.

"SHAN-RAY!" Dino yelled of excitement and tackled me in a hug.

I hugged him back and smiled, Chan's head stayed rested on my shoulder as we continued to embrace each other. While Hansol and Seungkwan were arguing while I stayed in performance unit's room Dino was the one I got closest to, since we are the same age and all it was easy to talk to him.

"I missed you Chan." I said.

"I missed you too Shan-ray, I know this is your choice but I really miss having you around, please come back to our dorm." Dino said as I felt the shoulder of mine that Dino's head was resting on get wet.

"Chan, I just can't come back." I said.

"But you left so suddenly, they started to start taking your things out of our room; as much as I refused and begged them not to." Dino said lifting his head off my shoulder.

"Shan-ray look at this kid, just go back with them, this S.coups guy, and Chan whatever his name is, they both seem to get it and would protect you if you needed it." Mark said in English.


"He can speak English?" Mark asked.


"I get it, can anyone else speak English?" Jackson asked in English.

"I can speak English, I am from LA." Joshua said.

"LA? I come from LA." Mark said.

"Really?" Joshua asked.

Mark nodded. Joshua and him had walked to the kitchen away from all of the drama in the living room to have a friendly conversation, Joshua seems to get along with anyone from LA.

"Shan-Ray just leave with him." Jackson then said.

"Fine, I am willing to leave with them, but if anything bad happens I am coming back here." I said.

Bambam Yugyeom Jinyoung, and Youngjae weren't in the dorm so they wouldn't​ know about the decision I just made, and I know they'd miss me, I'd miss all of them too, but I had to leave for Chan.

"Good let's go." Hansol said and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers together pulling me up off the couch and out of the dorm in one shot.

"Don't get worried about me ever again, and no jealousy okay?" I asked Hansol.

"How could I not get worried or jealous?" Hansol asked.

"Just say you won't get jealous, or worried for stupid things." I said stopping our movement.

"Fine, if it makes you happy." Hansol said.

"Good let's go then." I smiled and clung to Hansol's arm as we started walking again, the others catching up.

"You two fine now?" S.coups asked.

"Who said we weren't fine before?" I asked.

"You stayed with Got7, clearly because of him." Joshua stated.

"Why are you pinning the blame on me?" Hansol asked.

"Because you were the last one to speak to her, hyung." Dino said clinging to my arm.

"Seungkwan speak." S.coups said.

"What is there for me to say?" He asked his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the ground while walking.

"Um maybe sorry." Hansol said sass hinted in his voice.

I gave Hansol a weird look, he sounded like Seungkwan. It was weird.

"To who? you? Why would I say sorry to you Vernon?" Seungkwan asked.

"Just apologise to someone, your sister for starters, and then Vernon." S.coups said.

"Fine, mian hae Shan-Ray." Seungkwan said.

"For?" I asked.

"Making you listen to the arguments Vernon started, and chasing away the friends you make." Seungkwan said.

"I did not start any of the a arguments." Hansol stated.

"Fine, I'm sorry for making you listen to the arguments I started, no I'm just sorry for arguing." Seungkwan said.

"Good, now apologise to Vernon." Joshua said.

"Mian hae, I was being so overprotective with Shan-ray that I yelled at you, and started things." Seungkwan said.

"Mian hae." Vernon smiled, and we all continued walking a small conversation between all of us as we walked.

We made it back to the boys' dorm and the first thing I noticed was all my clothes on main room's floor.

"Guys, what is this?" I asked.

"I told you, they were trying to take your things out of the room." Chan said.

"Pick it up." I looked at Hansol and demanded he picked up my clothes.

"I am your oppa." He said.

I then gave him a look, he nodded and hurriedly picked all my clothes with Joshua, S.coups, Jeonghan, and Hoshi, as much as Soonyoung wanted to talk to me, he helped clean up. I also noticed Jeonghan's long hair was no longer long, but short.

"How have you been?" Jihoon asked as Jihoon, Chan, The8, Seungkwan, and I sat on the couch, and the other members, the ones not cleaning, sat on the floor.

"I actually have been very well, I got good sleep, and met a lot of new people." I smiled at the boys as they smiled back, we all caught up and order pizza as soon as the room was clean of my clothes, we all laughed and chatted everything was back to normal.

He's My Brother's Best Friend? (Hansol Vernon Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now