One last chance

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"Why should I share my food with the whelps? This is fresh caught dwarf meat! Why should I share?!" Asked Vrag.

"You'll do as you're told." Growled Nash. "Or you'll be our next meal."

"You mind your tongue, Nash." Another orc butted into the conversation. "You're not the leader here. I for one think that we're wasting our time with those two. The scrawny one could barely get up today, and I was the one who had to pay, by carrying him."

"He payed too. How's he supposed to get better if you keep beating up on him?" Said Nash.
"You almost sound like you care about him. You an elf now, softy?"

Before a fight could break out the chieftain of the orcs interfered.
"You're right, the small one is more of a burden than anything else. He will die. The other one... his fate will be decided tonight. Either he will prove himself a snivelling elf, or something that could be of use to us." He declared, in a tone that brooked no argument.

"How, O great one?" Asked Vrag.

"We will have him kill his brother."

Elurin was patiently waiting for his dinner, out of earshot of the orcs. His brother was curled at his side, his sleep troubled with wheezing caused by his bruised lungs. Elurin brushed a strand of hair from Red's face, wondering how to make things better. He had accepted his new life, but he could tell that his brother was suffering, and he wished there was something he could do.
When no food was given to him Elurin settled down to sleep. A year had passed, and it was fall again, so the twins lay on a bed of leaves that cracked when they moved. Notable for being a restless sleeper, Elured tossed and turned, making the leaves rustle and snap. 

"Buthagh fiith klankluk" Exclaimed Elurin. You annoy me brother, lie still.
Elured, who was fast asleep, gave no answer but to roll over, loudly.
Elurin snarled and gritted his teeth in the manner of orcs, then decided that he would just have to put up with the noise and try to sleep. Still annoyed at his twin, hungry, and restless, it was no surprise that he was still awake when the orc chieftain came over.

"Up!" He said curtly. "Both of you. Now."

Wordlessly, Elurin woke his brother, and they moved to stand in from of the chieftain, awaiting his command. When he finally spoke he addressed Elurin only.

"You are only alive because of us. And we've decided that you haven't been proving worth our efforts. You'll have one more chance to redeem yourself.

Elurin swallowed, frantically trying to work out what he'd done wrong and how he could improve. His thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when something occurred to him: The orc had said "yourself" not "yourselves".

"You mean my brother too, right? He gets another chance too?" Elurin knew that his twin hadn't been doing so well lately, but surely the orcs wouldn't abandon him!

"Your brother's as good as dead." Came the harsh reply. "And you're going to kill him, that, or we'll kill the both of you." His tone brooked no contradiction, but still Elurin pleaded to him.
"You cannot! He's my brother, my..." Elurin didn't know the word for twin in the black speech. "Please don't kill him, or me neither."

The orcs just laughed mercilessly and cruelly, as if enjoying a fine joke.
"He'd die anyways. Look at him, barely able to hold his head up. Either you prove your worth, and finish him off, or you die too. I really don't see what the problem is." Said the chieftain. He handed Elurin a rusty blade. 

"You have until the sun up, filth. Then we'll kill you. Use the sword on anyone but your brother and you're dead meat." He added.

The first rays of light were already peeking over the horizon.

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