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Me: Hey I'm Back! (Throws streamers in air). 

Ezra: (walks in expecting empty room) Oh SW, your here. TASOO is not here by any chance, is she.

ME: No...well maybe

Ezra: I will just go then (Runs out of room)

Me: No wait don't you want to hear about how you're going to get abused! (Yells but Ezra was out the door) Ugh fine, Chapter is short because its a prologue. DON'T OWN STAR WARS REBELS!

Disclaimer: That's my job.

He had arrived home with his older sister Eve at his side. She was the first to walk in leaving the door wide open. As Ezra walked in, her mother stepped out of the kitchen to greet them.

"Ezra Bridger! Just because you're a street-rat does not mean you need to act like one. Close the door immediately!" His mother shrieked. "Now go to your room! I don't want to see you till morning."

"But mama..."

"Address me properly." Her mother bellowed. "I will not tolerate such language in my house."

"Mother, Eve was the one that left the door open." Ezra assured.

"Stop blaming your perfect sister, you brainless rat!" Her mother snapped. "To your room before your father arrives."

Ezra took a deep breath before turning away. He headed for the stairs as his sister stuck her foot out tripping him. An unspeakable pain erupted from his leg as he fell to the wooden floor. His sister howled with laughter as his mother left the room without another thought. He quickly pushed himself from the ground humbled off to his room. It had been the same since he was adopted into the family at 7 years old. The family had wanted a young perfect son but they had gotten him. For the first four years of his life at the Bridger's, they had tried to change how he looked, how he acted, how he thought. They had given up when they found him on the streets running through the mud puddles. When they realized he was never going to be perfect they first neglected but it soon transformed into abuse. He had been hit so hard, his arms and legs were left bruised, and his bones would be left fractured. They never cared for him if he was sick or hungry, if he was they would turn a blind eye. His sister soon learned to hate him as much as his parent's did, convincing everyone at school to call him names and attack him. She would tell them how much of a failure he was and how he thought he was better than everyone.

Tears exploded from his eyes just as his door was busted open by his father.

"Your mother told me that you were talking back. Did I not teach you manners, street boy!" His father snarled.

" did..."

"What did you say?! I thought I told you not to talk back!"

"T..that wasn't t...talking..."

"It would be better for all of us if you didn't talk at all." His father barked. "Got that. I don't want to hear a peep out of you EVER!"

Ezra nodded his head quickly before pain soared through his body. Several punched were throw at his torso before stopping.

His father sneered before casting his fist to the boy's throat. "I don't want to hear anything from you!"

The man left the room leaving Ezra to choke on the blood forming in his throat. Little did his father know that punch to the throat enabled Ezra to ever speak again.

Me: Hope you liked it and come visit me again. and you know read the book.

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