Chapter 1

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Me: Now I'm still out of practice with my writing so it might be a bit choppy.

Kanan: SW! Why is Ezra covered in whip cream?

Me: Because hes clumsy. He fell into my pool of whip.

Ezra: No I did not! You pushed me.

ME: Fine I did but I only did because I was getting rid of a sea monster.

Ezra: Why would you need me?

Me: You have an ugly face that it was scared of.

Ezra: Kanan, ground her or something!

Kanan: As much as I would love to I cant. (Leaves)

Me: (smiles evilly at Ezra) Anyways, before I was inturrpted I wanted to tell you that this chapter is still short about 1000 words. Im still working on get better.

Disclaimer: not mine, not hers, not his.

"Clean this up immediately." Eve shouted throwing Ezra to the ground. "I don't want mother to find out."

He averted eye contact and picked up the broken glass with his bare hands. He was just about finished when Eve gave a hard kick to his back. Ezra cried out in pain, clenching his fists. An aching sting increased from his hand, the glass had pierced his palm. A small amount of blood risen from the wound before Ezra had rushed to his room.


He sat on the bathroom floor, tending to the slash on his palm. He had gained scars all along his body, given by his father. After warping his hand with toilet paper, he shuffled to his room. He stood in the door frame analyzing. Giving a soft sigh, he walked over to the bed and collapsed. Silent tears slid down his face. It has been two years and it hasn't gotten better. His father would give him a beating every night, severely bruising him. His mother would lock him in his room and would go without food for days. His sister would treat him like an object, only caring for her needs. The door to his room was busted open, pulling Ezra out of his trance. He looked up to see his father standing above him. Ezra back up to the very far edge of his bed, afraid of a beating. His father reached out and grabbed the back of Ezra shirt and ruffly drag him off the bed. He struggled as his father continued to drag him down the hall to the front door.

"I want you out," He threw Ezra out the door to the street. "I don't want to see you again!"

The door slammed shut. Ezra laid there stunned. He was thrown from his only home he ever had. He had now where to go. Standing up slowly, he made his way to the door. He lightly banged on it, hoping it was all a cruel joke. He would much rather get a beating then spend a night on the cold dark streets. Minutes passed before he tried again, only louder. He repeated the word please over and over again in his head. He tried again, louder and again. Every knock grew louder until Ezra finally broke down into silent tears. His head laid against to wooden door as he hugged his knees against his chest. He stayed in the same position for hours. The sun had started to set disappearing behind the houses. A cold breeze past Ezra as he finally turned and looked out onto the empty urban street. The street lights flicked on as he started to move away from the house he called home. He walked down the sidewalk, constantly looking over his shoulder. After hours of walking his feet began to ache. Stopping, he looked around searching for a place to rest. He spotted a small enclosed alley next to a closed restaurant. He made his way across the dark street to the alley. The ground was murky and the trash bins had been knocked over. Ezra navigated around the piles of trash to the very back of the alley. Laying his back against the wall, he closed his eyes, letting the coldness wash over him.

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