Chapter 3

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Me: How long has it been? Nearly a year, right? Yeah maybe I should just give up. 

Ezra: (asleep on the couch)

Me: Im just a lazy human being, okay maybe not a human but.....

Does anyone know how to actually get back into writing? Cause I could use that info. 

I also had this written awhile ago ha... sorry.....

Driving across town in rush hour traffic was a pain. Kanan sat in the driver's seat trying to focus on the road, but his attention kept averting to the unconscious boy in the back seat. A car honked causing Kanan to turn frontwards. The street light turned green and the cars pushed forward. It was only a few minutes before Kanan turned onto a neighborhood street. A few kids run up and down the road, laughing and talking. He drove past the group and continued down the road. Without realizing Kanan drove right over a pothole, causing the car to move in a jerky way. Taking a deep breath, he looked behind him checking on Ezra. The boy was still sound asleep.

"Phew, that could have ended badly." Kanan turned onto a driveway of a two story house. He carefully exited, quietly closing the metal car door. Before turning to the back of the car, a young girl came from around the corner. Kanan smiled, "Hi, Sabine."

The girl, Sabine, waved before coming up to the man's side. "Didn't know today was Ahsoka's day off."

Kanan shook his head, "No. Ahsoka gave me homework, trying to get rid me I suppose." Letting out a soft chuckle, he opened the door showing the sleeping boy.

Sabine let out a surprised gasp. "No way." Sabine turned to face the older man. "What's his name?"

"I actually don't know." Kanan scratched the back of his neck. "He kind of had a panic attack on the station. It's the reason why he's here."

The girl nodded her head. "Do you know anything about him?"

"Other than stealing from Z's store, no." Kanan looked at Sabine, as her eyes widened.

"He stole from his store, I'm surprised Z didn't catch him first!" Sabine smirked. "Seems he might be a fast runner. I need to start homework or Hera is going to have my head." She turned and head up into the house.

Turning back to Ezra, Kanan carefully picked him up bridal style. He kicked the metal door closed, before heading up the driveway. As he got to the front door, it opened with a sudden bang. He jumped back in shock. Hera stood in the doorway with a worried look. Her eyes went from Kanan to the boy in his arms.

"Sabine said you brought home a kid." Hera announced, her breathing a little uneven.

Kanan nodded while a deep sigh emitted from his mouth. They exchanged a few more words before Hera stepped back to let him in.

"Lay him on the couch," Hera pointed the large blue sofa. "We'll tend to him later. In the meantime, your going to help me cook."

"But Hera, I..." Kanan was cut off by a stern look from Hera.

"No buts Kanan." She turned around heading to the kitchen door.


Ezra awoke with a gasp. His breathing fast and uneven. Small drops of sweat rested on his forehead. He had woke from a nightmare again, but this time it was vivid. He remembered being engulfed by the shadows, being cornered in an unrecognizable room, and the knife. The knife that slowly came closer to his skin.

Ezra shook his head. The image still plastered in his mind. He took a look around his surroundings, only now realizing he was in someone's house. Its was a fairly large room with a green and white color pattern on the walls. A TV was placed on a small coffee table in front of the sofa as another table was set a few feet away from the first. Objects cluttered the corners of the room. Lamps were carefully placed beside the white doors adding more light to the room. To the right of Ezra stood a large wooden staircase and pictures that hung from the wall next to it. Everything liked fairly normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. A sudden sound of pots and pans dropping against the floor made Ezra jump behind the couch for cover.

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