Chapter 2

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Me: Welcome one and all, to the new chapter of the future!

Ezra: Don't ever start like that.

Me: Okay, how about... I would like to thank my family and friends for this award...

Ezra: (Cuts in) No, no, no, no.

Me: You're so boring! Thank you all for coming here tonight to continue to read the new chapter of the most amazing story in the fanfiction world.

Dedicated to me and only me. Me, ME, Me!

also dont own ata all.

He walked across the street. It was dead quiet, the sun had yet to rise. Awaken from a nightmare, Ezra had traveled down the city ending up at a small park. The grass had a dead color as the leaves of trees turned brown. A cold wind flowed from the right causing him to shiver. In time it will be winter and eventually snow will fall. He had yet to prepare, being that he owned nothing but what he wore. He walked past a bundle of trees as yet another striking cold wind swept past. He looked toward the dark morning sky, the stars still twinkling. However, the sun started to rise high above the building, causing the shimmering stars to fade. While walking down the path, Ezra spotted an old park bench. Slowly but surely, he dragged himself to where it stood. He slumped back against the rotting wood while an empty feeling washed over him. He realized no one cared. Abandoned by both his birth and adopted parents, he could help but curl into a ball. No one wanted him from the start. Eventually, a single tear flourished down his cheek.


The sun was at its highest peak indicating it was mid-day, yet Ezra had not moved from the scrappy bench. People had passed the boy, giving him looks of disgust as they noticed the layer of dirt covering him. All he could do was ignore it. A growl erupted from his stomach, begging for food. His head lifted from the seat, scouting out a food source. Across the street from the grassy park laid a small convenient store. The thought of stealing came to Ezra mind, regardless of getting caught he was starving. Agreeing to the terms, he stood up from the bench, walking across the dead grass to the bustling road. Reaching the road, he carefully crossed avoiding rushing cars. Successfully crossing he stumbled into the small store. A bulky man stood at the front counter, reading what looked like a magazine. The boy stood staring up at him. Without warning, the man looked up locking his sight with Ezra, he flinched back in shock. Nevertheless, Ezra quickly bounded behind an aisle. He peeked around the corner, seeing if the man was still watching. He wasn't. Feeling confident, he looked at the packets of food in front of him. He grabbed two, shoving it in his pockets. In case of being caught, he checked the man one last time before hesitantly walking toward the door. His eyes peeking at the man every so often. Incidentally, the man looked up and noticed Ezra's pockets.

"Where do you think you're going?" The man demanded in a gruff voice.

It was enough to make Ezra freeze. Needless to say, the boy was shaking in fear as the man came around the counter. In that moment, Ezra took off running out of the store and down the street. A yell could be heard behind him. For fear that he could be hurt, he ran faster, avoiding anyone who was in the way. He knew the man was close behind, but he couldn't help but look. The man was almost right behind him. Before turning his head back, his body collided with another. Landing on the ground, he looked up. A uniformed police officer stood before him. Ezra's mouth gapped open. The man reached down and grabbed his arm, pulling him to his feet.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked kindly.

Another yell came from behind Ezra. Suddenly remembering, he tried to rush past the officer only to find the man had yet to let go of his arms. He began to struggle out of the grasp, but from then on it only got tighter. Provided the condition, his struggle quickly stopped as the bulky man can to a halt.

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