Welcome to Troll Queen's Paradise!
This will be a place for my overdue tags, rants, graphics, and other random miscellaneous crap if I do so feel inclined to share.
KateyWlo Stephenftw I'll finally be completing those year-old tags, woohoo!
Enjoy your stay!
tldr; I'm a troll, have a nice day!
❝ YOU'RE LIKE 175% TROLL ❞ -CupcakeSenpai
C R E D I T S :
jiminist- for the current cover;
flowerdesu- for the previous cover in the multimedia.

➢ Troll Queen's Paradise
NezařaditelnéWelcome to Troll Queen's Paradise! Home to Kyouka's tags, rants, graphics, and other random miscellaneous crap fitting for a journal. Cover Credits: @jiminist- Highest Ranking: #493 in Random