Chapter 1

19 2 1

2 years later

^~^ Kayti's POV ^~^

"Mummy! mummy wake up!! Comeeee ONNNN mummy" I rolled over onto my back to see my two year old son, Dylan, right in my face.

I grinned, "Well I guess I should get up, considering it's your BIRTHDAYY!" I started to tickle at his sides while he squirmed around my massive bed. 

It's been two years. Yep, two years since I've had Dylan. And almost three years since i've seen my bestfriend. I mean, sure, he texts every once in a while. But ever since One Direction hit big, our friendship hasn't been the same. And sometimes at night when i'm by myself, I rethink ever forcing Harry to audition. Yeah, it might be selfish of me but I can't help it. I miss him. But supposedly him and his band are coming back for a break and they're all staying in Anne's house, which is next door. Ever since my parents kicked me out because they found out I was pregnant. But Anne, being the kind hearted person she is, helped me pay rent on this house until I got my own job. And she babysits Dylan for free, which is a big help for me. If you're wondering, Harry isn't the father. I'm a hundred percent sure about that. But I do have some memories from that night two years ago. And I also have an idea of who his dad could be, but for all I know his dad could be dead or what. And the worst part about mine and Harry's friendship, is he doesn't even know Dylan exists. And i'm scared to tell him, cause he might even hate me more. And I don't think I could handle that. 

"Mommy are you okay?" I smiled at Dylan and nodded my head, " Can we go to grandma Anne's for breakfast? She makes the bEST pancakes ever!!" He seemed so excited over food. I have to go out to lunch with Sam anyways so I might as well see if Anne can babysit.

"Sure, let me call her and ask if you can stay a while. Go pick out some toys to take." He ran out of the room and across the hall to his. That little boy if always full of energy.

~~~~~The next day~~~~~

Fortunately, yesterday I picked Dylan up before the boys got to Anne's house. Now, I just picked him up from Sam's house and we're on our way home. I just hope we don't run into any one of them going inside the house. Right now Dylan is playing with his McDonald's toy he got with his happy meal. 

We pulled into our driveway ten minutes later and unfortunately I saw the same car as yesterday in their driveway, and five people getting out of the van type vehicle. I saw Harry look over and smile realy big. Gosh I miss him so bad. I unbuckled my seat belt and turned of the ignition while getting out. I saw him start to walk towards my car about to say something, but I opened up the door to Dylans side and unbuckled him from his car seat. I saw Harry's face confront in confusion and some other emotion I couldn't read. I started to walk towards my front door, but his voice stopped me, yet again.

"Kat? What's going on?" I smiled a smile and turned around to walk towards him. I let go of Dylan's hand to wrap my arms around Harry's neck. I felt him smile against my neck, and i squeezed him closer before dropping my arms to grab Dylan's hand again.

"Hey Haz... this is Dylan. Dylan say hi to Harry." He looked scared and hid behind my leg. I laughed and looked back up to Harry to see some kind of recognition spread across his face then hurt.

"Is this your kid?" I looked up slowly and was frozen. Should I just tell him now? I slowly looked down as I nodded, "Why wouldn't you tell me something like this?!" I jumped back at his voice and tears started to well up in my eyes. I looked down to see Dylan whimpering.

"Dylan, baby, go up to grammy Anne's okay?" He nodded and ran up to her and she took him inside while glancing mine and Harry's way, "I'm so sorry Harry.." I looked up to see his features soften a little bit.

"Where and who is the father?" I felt my self falter at his next question.

"I don't know who the father is.."

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