August 22, 2154

19 0 0

Dear diary,

            It’s 6 am. I just woke up and realized that I have to slow down my speeding train wreck of a mind because I have to go to school today. I don’t want to attract attention for acting differently because people will ask questions and they’ll watch me more carefully and I don’t want that. All my sentences are run-ons because I'm bad at stopping.

I don’t know how I’ll survive the day. I'm glad I’ll be with Henry for half of it, and with or near Mrs. Meyer for the rest of it. I need friends right now.

            I'm off to school for now. I’ll write again immediately after school.

            It’s 3:30 and I just got home. I feel so guilty because these are the last few hours I’ll be near my Earth parents and I’m not with them, but I'm so scared I'd blurt out everything at one look from Mom. So I'm staying in my room and reflecting on my last day f Earth school.

            I’ve always enjoyed school, because of the intelligence thing. I’ll definitely miss it. Unless they have school on Anlahay… I wonder. But anyway, my last day was pretty uneventful except for a few tings. Mrs. Meyer seemed much perkier in History than usual, but most kids thought it was just the exam she gave us (I’m pretty sure I aced that exam, but I may never find out). I explained all my stress to Henry during lunch, and he told me to calm down, and that it would all be okay. And then after Spanish, the last time during the day we see each other, Henry hugged me. Now, he and I have been friends for a long time. But we’d never really hugged before, since it made him think of how his parents haven’t hugged him since he was really young, and then he gets sad. But he and I both knew this was a special event, that even though it was our first hug, it was our last, too.

Oh, no. I kept in my sadness earlier, but now my eyes are welling up a bit.

It’s just strange to think of a life without Henry. Like I said, he and I have been friends since first grade, so we’ve been through a lot together. I was there when he broke his arm from falling of the swing. He was on the phone with me during sixth grade when the boy I liked went to a school dance with another girl. He’s always vented his family problems to me, and I’ve always listened and cared for him, like the loving mother he never got the chance to have. Our friendship was a give-and-take relationship, and it didn’t always seem fair, and maybe we got in fights sometimes. But what kind of friends don’t? all I k now is, even if my friendship with Henry wasn’t perfect, it’s better than any friendship I’ll ever have with an alien on some far-away planet.

I need to take a few minutes to let my emotions out. I'm not sure if I’ll have time or privacy to do that for the next week.

I’ll write again before bed.

It’s now 11:30, and I’m exhausted, but nerves are keeping me awake. I wish I could go to sleep. Each time I look outside, I imagine a UFO in the sky. I know there’s nothing to be scared of, because the Anlahayens are my people and I belong to them more than I can ever belong to Earth or Henry or Mom or Dad. Yet, I feel an unescapable terror in the pit of my stomach, and my doubts are returning, what if I'm not really like them? What if Mrs. Meyer is just some psycho and this is a trap? I don’t know what to do.

I’ll organize my books and pick out which ones I want to take with me. Hopefully they allow books.

I wonder if they speak English on this new planet.

Who knows.

The next time I write will probably be early in the morning, technically tomorrow. We’ll see what happens.

I am terrified.


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