Earth date: August 29, 2154

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Dear diary,

All the time I’m on the shuttle that I'm not spending in lessons, I've spent pacing my room and staring out into space – quite literally, my window gives me a view directly into the galaxy. Its pretty great.

I’ve spent a lot of time wondering about my real family – my Anlahayen family. I wonder what they’re like. As much as I loved my earth parents, I hope my Anlahayen family is nothing like them. I wonder if I have biological siblings. I want to know how and why I ended up being sent to Earth, and how they felt about it. Were they sad they wouldn’t see me grow up? Were they proud? Who knows.

I asked Marissa about them, but she doesn’t know them. Her job is just to take Anlahayens like me back and forth between Anlayhay and the planet they grow up on.

I'm really going to miss Marissa when I get to Anlayhay. I probably will only see her a few more times in my life.

Oh well. I should be used to saying goodbye by now.


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