In Me

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Somewhere in me I know, I

don't exactly understand

The human in me.

Somewhere in my heart I feel

The emotions are missing.

I see people crying, I see them 'down'

I just shrug and watch.

Do I just fake it? The concern that I don't feel, that I can't feel.

Or do I try to right the wrong

Or move on?

That is in me..Don't exactly know how to respond to the normal things..

The pain, the empathy it does not come to me naturally..

Somewhere in me I search for the missing emotions,

Sometimes I ask_am I better without them?

All I can say is Yes. I am better off without..

Cause you may wonder what it's like to possess something which you don't have..

But, you can't also miss something you never had.


Start on Jun-finished on 13 September 2015

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