Chapter 6

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Previously on Friendship or Love?

I wiped the last of my tears, put on the locket, kissed my daddy one more time and left the room with Ms Delilah.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I spent weeks and days in the hospital. Everyday I had to take extremely bitter medication and tasteless food. As the days past, I slowly recovered and I was finally given food with actual flavour. I also became closer to Ms Delilah. She would accompany me and tell me all sorts of stories. I would sometimes tell her my stories too but I would always end up teary eyed. However, it was still nice to let go of my feelings and not keep it to myself. Ms Delilah took great care of me she definitely helped me feel less lonely. We'd play games together and sometimes she'd even sing to me. What was like the worst thing ever, became something bearable.

Besides Ms Delilah, Amanda also helped me a lot. When Ms Delilah wasn't around, Amanda would be there. She'd help me tie my hair into different styles, she'd help me dress up. Sometimes, she'd buy me little toys to play. She's basically the aunt I never had and with her around it has been a whole lot better. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad living with her after all.

After everything, today would be one of the best days ever! When I woke up, Amanda was there and she told me that I could leave the hospital tomorrow! I would be staying with her and her son. I am so excited! The doctors also said that my daddy is getting better and that there is a very high chance of him waking up! I can't wait to talk to daddy and hug him again. I can finally tell him everything I have been through and how Ms Delilah and Amanda have been helping me.

Right now, Ms Delilah is bringing me to the garden in front of the hospital. I'm always stuck inside and have been looking at it from the hospital window. Now, I can finally go outdoors again and tomorrow onwards I will be free once again!

A/N: Time skip to tomorrow

Elizabeth's P.O.V

It's finally here! The day where I can leave! The day that I can be free again! I'm all packed and ready to go but first I will have to say goodbye to Ms Delilah. That is the only sad part of me leaving but when I visit daddy I will still see her! Now, Amanda is bringing me to look for Ms Delilah and when I see her I immediately ran up to her and hugged her.

"Hi sweetie! Are you excited to leave? You can finally go home!" Ms Delilah said as soon as she saw me. "I'm very excited Ms Delilah but I'll miss you! I won't see you everyday anymore..." "Don't worry sweetie, it's for the best! I'll see you every time you visit your daddy, I promise!" After she said that we held a pinkie promise together.

"Bye, Ms Delilah! Remember to take good care of daddy for me~" "Of course, sweetie. Bye~"

And that was it, I can't wait to step out of the hospital and be free again.

I held Amanda's hand and skipped towards the door. As I walk out of the hospital doors, i could feel the wind blowing towards me. I could see the sun shining brightly, the birds singing! Oh, how I miss being outdoors again!

My life is finally back to normal and I couldn't be more EXCITED!


As I stare out the window, I see rows of houses. The car stops in front of a big house. The outside of the house is very simple but gives out a nice look. Its walls are light grey with a bit of white here and there. The roof is a darker grey which adds to the look. And the view of the bright sky behind the house just makes it stand out. There are bushes and a wide land of grass in front of the house. Altogether, the house has a very nice modern look with a bit of country and vintage styles.

"Welcome home, Elizabeth! This is your home from now on!" said Amanda and then opened the door

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"Welcome home, Elizabeth! This is your home from now on!" said Amanda and then opened the door.

The inside was just as beautiful. The furniture was arranged neatly so that it gave a lot of space and a very comfy look. The floor was carpeted and there was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. To the side, there was a staircase that led upstairs.

This house was quite different from mine but beautiful in its own way.

Amanda and I brought in all my bags and helped me settle in.

"Alex! Alex! Stop playing and come down! Come meet your new friend!" I heard Amanda shout.

"Ughhhh fine, I'm coming! Hold on!" an awfully familiar voice replied followed by the sound of footsteps coming down. I was about to meet my new friend. I would finally have a brother or sister!

"Elizabeth, come here. This is my son, Alex. Both of you are the same age and Alex, this is Elizabeth. She will be staying with us for awhile until her father recovers. I hope you will treat her well and that you guys can get along. Oh and Alex, please show Elizabeth her room. It's the one opposite of yours. Elizabeth darling, if you need anything, feel free to ask me. I will be in the kitchen preparing dinner. Go get to know one another. I'll see you later~"

I looked up at Alex and then I suddenly recognized him. He was the boy who I saw in the park before my "birthday party". He was the one who saved me from those bullies after they destroyed my sandcastle. That's why everything was so familiar, his name and voice but I couldn't figure it out before! It was him. Alex Wolf! We could finally become friends! We would be the bestest of friends and our friendship would last forever!!!

As soon as Amanda left, Alex took out his phone and started playing a game ignoring me.

Then I spoke all cheerfully, "Hi Alex! I'm so happy you're here! We could be like brother and sister! Ohh and best friends too!!!! I'm so excited! Do you remember me? You saved me from the bullies in the park that day. You were so brave and scary! They all ran away so fast! Thank you again! You saved my life!"

"Yeah, whatever. Look, Elizabeth is it? For the second time, I don't need friends. We will never best friends and most definitely not like brother and sister! I won't stop you from staying here and everything. You can do whatever you want! But every time you see me, please do me a favour and ignore me! I am only talking to you now because I am forced to help you. So, listen to me very clearly, my room is labelled with my name on it. Your room is opposite of mine. And unless you are from some ancient world, I believe you should know how to turn on the lights, air-conditioner and everything else. Lastly, remember this, DO NOT ENTER MY ROOM! EVER!"

"But~" And then he walked away before I could finish my sentence. I was left in complete shock. I thought we could be friends.... This is going to be a lot harder than I thought. I got the remaining of my bags and walked up to my room. My room was so beautiful! From the floor to the ceiling, everything was arranged and decorated perfectly! If I had food, I could live here forever and not leave. At least, after all that drama, something good happened! As of now, I'm not sure how my life would be or how it would turn out but I was definitely looking forward to it!

~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~

A/N Wow...things are going to get interesting since Elizabeth is now living with Alex :p So....please vote, comment and share. If you have any ideas you would like to share with us, feel free to comment! SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPTER~


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