Chapter 2 x

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♪Harry's P.O.V♪

im waiting for the boys to tell me what they think, wel mainly Liam as he is the most sinsible one out of us 5. I think that everyone was waiting for Liam to say what is on his mind about this as they are all giving looks to liam from time to time. "I think you have found your mate Haz, if you feel this weird pull towards her, wanna protect her all the time and want to do anything in your power to keep her happy, be with her all the time thren yes, shes your mate harry. I cant believe that out of all of us you have managed to find your mate first, well done buddy" Liam said then hugged me followed by the other lads hugging me and congratulating me, Louis even said "Get In There" wow lou, just wow.

Wow, How can she be my mate? She's human and im not. I know i fancey her a lot but actually coming to terms that Demi-Anne is my mate is something i guessed but didnt think would be the real answer. I am going to have to be as human as ever on our date tonight. I hope she likes me back as i cant kill my mate or harm her in any way so this would be a waste of mine and her time. I look at the clock and i have half hour till i have to be at her house to pick her up for our date.

i walk upstairs and change into skinny black jeans that are extremely tight, i just can about walk in these things but i like look, a plain white t-shirt that covers all my chest and sholder tattoo's, i also put a black blazer on to cover my arms. I take a look in the mirror to make sure my contacts are in their place as my eyes are always red, i make sure my fangs arent out as that would be hard to explain. Once im all sorted out its time to leave. I pick up my keys and walk towards the front door.

"Bye Boys" i shout as i walk out. I suppose i should let you in about me and the lads, well our kind i mean. Its bullshit about vampires not being allowed in sunlight as we 'burn' or 'twinkle' but there is no twilight shit happening here. The sun does not effect us at all and neither does garlic. We have to be invited into someones house, we dont know why but theres just this barrier that stops us from entering. Our hearing, speed, smell and emotions get amplified. 

We all get special powers when we get turned into these blood sucking monsters. I can hear peoples minds and what they are thinking. Zayn has telekenesis where he can do things without even moving, he locked me inside my room once and i forgot that vampires have super stregnth and just sat there till he opened the door, it was stupid of me and him. Liam can sense and controll your emotions, he can tell if your lying or not, it comes in quite handy. Niall can heal the wounded, he used to work in a hospital and there was 'miricals' going on but he eventually had to leave otherwise they would of noticed that he wasnt ageing, we all dont age. Lou is a tracker, he can hunt someone down with just the mention of their name, so if we didnt know where one of us was we would go to Lou for help, he normaly bribes us with something but it can be worth it sometimes. We can all mind message eachother. its pretty cool.

As for the we dont age bit, we really dont, we are frozen at the time we was changed. I was 19, Zayn Liam and Niall was all 20 and Louis was 21. Its sad really that we cant do anything normal people would do but i guess we have all come to terms with it. We all have our own stories of how we was turned and how we came to know eachother but thats for another day when i finally tell Demi-Anne about our kind and who i really am.

Im outside of Demi's house and im about to knock,as i do she answers the door and looks stunning, a random warm feeling comes over me and i cant help but look into her eyes. yep, she is most definately my mate. I just hope she likes me back as i dont think i want to die slowly from heart break but in all honesty i dont think she would of agreed to of come on a date with me if there wasnt some sort of feeling their for me whether its just a crush, it could turn into something more and i hope it does. There is something about Demi-Anne that intruiges me, i want to know what it is, i try and read her mind but something is blocking her thoughts, hmm ill have to take her to the house one day and try and get the boys to figure her out.

I take her by the hand and a shock runs up my arm, it felt weird and i wonder if she felt it too. i look at her and shes smiling to herself, can this be a good sign already? i hope it is. i lead her to passenger side of my car and open the door for her, help her into the car before closing the door then making my way round the car and into my side.

The drive to the bowling alley is short but it was fun. Demi-Anne was rambling on about music, specially this one girl band called Little Mix, she was telling me how much she loves their new song Move. I tuned out of what she was saying as i was so captivated by her lips, and how her voice is angelic. Right, here we are outside the bowling alley, time for this Date to offcially start!

Authors Note!

Hello Everyone!

Thank you for reading my book(s). Im sorry for slow updates, i really do wish to update once a weekend if i can but in all honsety its hard to write a book, keep up with the course-work and practical work for college and have a social life so please be patient with me. Tell your friends or tweet this book or put it on facebook as the more readers/voters i get the more chance i will update earlier or even twice a week.

P.S go and read my other book called 'Never Ending Love' you will find it on my profile :) 

Thanks all!

Love ya!

DaynaHolly xxx

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