Chapter 3 x

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Demi-Anne's P.O.V.

wow! i talk alot but i dont think Harry was actually listening to me. I dont blame him.

Here we are at the bowling alley and it smells like floor polish. As we walked in Harry's hand kept brushing past mine and i will admit it sent shocks through my body. His hands were really cold but i assume its due to the cold weather as its like a ice block out there, its so cold.

Harry led me to the counter it was £10 per person. i went to hand him my money but he wouldnt take it. Hes such i gentleman, i tried a good few times to pay myself but in the end i gave in as Harry wouldnt budge on the idea on me paying for myself.

"What size shoe are you?" What? why is he is asking something so irrelavent? Strange child. I look at him so confussed and he just chuckled at me. "you need to change into bowling shoes, so what size shoe are you?" oh, i mentally face palm myself at how stupid i am. "8 please, but do i have to give my shoes to that man or do i keep them with me?" i blushed at my question as i sound so stupid. "yes you have to give the man your shoes" Harry smirked at me and i feel like im now 2. I sigh and reluctently hand over my shoes and reveal my freshly painted Pink with white flower toenails. "Harry, i dont have any socks and i sure as hell aint putting my feet uncovered in them things"

Harry simply laughed and pulled out a pair of white socks. Why did he have those in his pocket? "Why do you carry round spare socks?" He shrugged, "i always do incase i need them, looks like i did so justput them on babe" i blush at the term 'babe'. i nod and put them on and wow, they are so soft and comfy, i never knew that socks could be that nice. i put the hideous bowling shoes on and let Harry give mine and his shoes to the man who is stairing at me, i didnt know till i remeber i was bent over putting the socks and shoes on so he had a lovely view down my top. Ew, disgusting old man.

We walked to the lane we were given and Harry even got the side rails put up so i couldnt get a gutter ball or whatever its called. Harry showed me how to hold the ball but i wasnt any good at getting a good score. It was the second game now and i lost the first one. It was my turn to take a shot and as i grabbed the ball i felt arms snake around my waist, that was unexpected. 

"Let me help you and maybe you can get a better shot" Harry whipsered in my ear. He grabbed my wrist with the ball in it and helped me carry it. As i bent to aim the ball my backside hit his crotch and i could feel it slowly growing against me. He bent my arm back and aimed, i swung my arm forwards and let go of the ball and i knocked all of the pins down. WOW!. Harry still had my arm in his hand and his arm round my waist, but i was still bent and from all the movement he was a bit more ecited. Im not gunna lie but feeling his 'friend' against my ass did turn me on and i was getting a bit excited myself.

I turned round in Harry's arm and gave him the biggest hug ever. We continued our game with each of my turns in his arms. I got almost all strikes and Harry was worse this time but he couldnt move properly becuase i was in the way. It felt nice to be in someones arms for once. I only ever had 2 boyfriends but i was too shy to kiss any of them which led them to cheating on me. John lasted 2 weeks and Mason only lasted 3 days. Oh well.

After bowling there was a little ice-cream shop that was really cheap so we decided to get some ice-cream. Yeah i know right, ice-cream in this freezing cold weather. Doesnt make sense but any weather is ice-cream weather. I settled with 2 scoops of Rum+Rasin whilst Harry didnt have any, he also paid for mine which i let him this time.

Once i was finnished eating we decided to go back as it was getting late. We walked to his car close to eachother but not too close. Just as i got to his car Harry pulled me back and kissed me. That was the biggest surprise, i was shocked but eventually my arms placed themselves around his neck with my hands in his lushous curls and i kissed back. His hands was at my waist but somehow ended on my arse. I didnt do anything to stop his hands from being there but i did wiggle my bum causing harry to laugh into the kiss.

We eventually broke away for air and i was gasping and panting but so was he.

"wow" thats all i could say. "Yeah, that was amazing" he liked it woo! i was speachless, my first ever kiss and it was the best. When Harry kissed me it set off fireworks, not just a few but it was like a whole firework display. Couldnt have been better. 

"Demi-Anne, i know i only met you today but ive spent almost all day with you and i really like you, would you be my girlfriend?" 


hey guys! sorry i didnt update sooner i have been really busy and had writers block a bit. i would update on the weekend but im meeting a boy whos coming down for the weekend so ill be busy!

i hope to update during the week at some point. Wednesday maybe. 

Love you all my readers!

DaynaHolly xxx

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