Chapter 8

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     The nurses' office wasn't that far from the library- just down the stairs next to the office. But stumbling along with a boy holding me up by the waist, makes it seem like eternity.

Of course, he didn't mind. He seemed perfectly content with the part of 'hero".

The letters in 'Nurse's Office' swam off their plaque, but I pushed away from him. Balancing on the wall I told him, "Thanks. I got it from here."

Nathaniel chuckled. "You can barely stand. Plus," he knocked three times on the door. The heavy footsteps of Nurse Dollson thumped towards us. "You need someone to bail you out of skipping-" the door opened, and out came Nurse Dollson "-over the fact that you're hurt and you should see the nurse."

I raised my eyebrows at his easy change in direction.

He faked surprise at seeing the nurse standing at the door. Nathaniel beamed. "Speak of the devil! It's none other than the beautiful woman herself! How are you today, Carla?"

Nurse Dollson's face split into a wide smile. The gap in between her teeth seemed wider than the last time I'd seen her. In her annoying (and completely fake) Southern drawl she exclaimed, "Nathaniel, my sweet meatie, how kind to think of me! I'm doing just fine, but the work has put a fine damper on the day til you showed up!"

Nathaniel didn't even blush. He eased the conversation over to me. Placing a hand on my shoulder, which I slapped off, he said, "Well, I hope we didn't bother you. I know today's strictly a work day, but you see, my friend here isn't feeling too well, and I just wondered if..."

He let his sentence drop, pretending to debate whether or not to continue pleading. After a curt glance from Nathaniel, I subtly swayed and put my hand on the door frame for balance, (I didn't need to do much acting. I was becoming very woozy).

Nathaniel shrugged. "Ah, nevermind. You're too busy, I wouldn't want you to fall behind. No, we'll just be headed back-"

"Wait! No, come in dearies. It's no trouble!" She ushered us in. My knees buckled, Nathaniel had to catch me from falling. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught his easy smile falter, replaced with a look of concern.

Nurse Dollson closed the door behind us and led me to the patient's bed. "Now," she banged around her desk before she came up with a clip board. "What's the matter, sweetie? Where's my pen?"

Nathaniel reached behind her ear and waved it in front of her small pig eyes until she noticed.

"Ah! Thank you, sweet meatie. Okay, go on."

"Well," I started, clearing my throat, "I was late to Spanish, and I was getting my stuff out of my bag when I..." My cheeks burned so bad, I thought my face would melt. I figeted with my hoodie's drawstring. "I pulled too hard, and I hit my head on the desk."

Nathaniel snorted. I tried hard not to look at him. Instead, I glared a hole through the floor.

For a second, the shadows made it look like it was actually working until the Dollson jabbed a sausage sized finger into my head.


White hot pain flashed down my skull and burned in every single vertibre. Purple spots danced in my eyes. The world seemed disconnected- no, I was disconnected. My head was tied on to my body like a balloon on and a string. At any moment, it could be cut, and I'd float away.

"Oh, dear, dear." Both Nathaniel and the nurse had to steady me.

"This is quite a hit to the head, missy. It's a wonder you made it here at all! Say, why did it take you all this time of you were in Spanish, young lady?"

Why is it taking you so long to help me? I thought. Is making your clients suffer a kind of treatment?

Nathaniel stepped in. "Well, she didn't know that you were here today, seeing as how you stay put for all the work. Which, by the way, is too strenuus for a women of your talents. And since she knew the office was booked for remodeling, she thought to call home from the library phone. Which is a stroke of luck for her, because I just finished my 'Save the Pitt Puppies' essay for extra credit. And now we're here."

I would be been impressed over such a smooth lie, but I was getting closer and closer to collasping in the dirty floor.

"Uhhhh..." I moaned. Nathaniel tightened his grip on my shoulders.

"Please, Carla. If you have any frozen chunks of mystery meat, that would be helpful."

Dollson's cheeks were cherry red. Her triple chins produced rivers of sweat. "Well... she is bleeding. Maybe calling an ambulance would be better-"

"NO!" It took me a second to realize Nathaniel and I said it at the very same time. Which struck me as odd, but another flash of pain clouded my vision.

My lip stung from biting down on it. I didn't want Nurse Dollson to see I was in a lot more pain than even I would admit. Everything was hazy.

But I did understand that I couldn't go to a hospital. Because then they would take a blood sample, and Momma said that that would not be good for a Shai Soi.

Regaining his composure, Nathaniel noted, "She's not bleeding anymore. Oh! You're very clever Carla!" The nurse looked as if she'd been flicked between the eyes. Nathaniel chuckled. "You were quizzing us! How did you know I was researching concussions? All she really needs is some ice and a note home- which a wise woman like yourself already knew."

My head was swimming, but I made out Nathaniel's quirky smile and anxious green eyes.

If my head didn't pound so much, I would've blushed at all the attention he gave me. Sure, I was hurt, but to have such a cute guy worrying about me was... nice.

Stop it. You're at risk. If Nurse Dollson decides to call an ambulance you could be exposed. Stuck it up, drop the goggly eyed girl act, and get out of here, I scorned myself.

It took the nurse a few seconds to recover. Her thick lips curled back across her lipstick and coffee stained teeth. Her volumous cheeks puffed out. "A quizz! If course, ah," she was a lot worse than Nathaniel on lying. Droplets of sweat dotted her forehead. Her unibrow twitched. "A smart boy like you would've seen right through me! Especially my sweet meat. Here."

Nurse Dollson scribbled out an excuse for the both of us and slapped a chunky bag of ice on my head.


Nathaniel's hands twitched. He covered it up by pretending to scratch a bug bite on his leg.

It wasn't as smooth as another one of Slithan's moves. But frankly, I was a little occupied with internal agony to delve deeper into that thought. The walk, (a more accurate word would be 'carry'), to the office seemed to last forever. We were steps from the lobby when I asked, " Why does she call you 'sweet meatie'?" 

"Ah, I met Carla in my first year." Nathaniel scratched the back of his head as if embarrassed. "I got into a fight and went in with a black eye. Dollson didn't have an icepack so she got me a chunk of frozen cafeteria mystery meat instead."

I didn't respond when I saw my mother, her foot in rapid fire mode. But this time she was worried, not angry. Her clothes were ruffled, and her golden hair blown back like a mane. I knew she ran all the way here. "Come on, sweetie. I'll take you home," she ushered me away. I nodded thanks at Nathaniel who returned it with a small wave.

As we shuffled out the door, Momma whispered, "Once you change, most injuries will ease."

I could only see one spot of my vision so all I did was stumble out in the parking lot into the side woods.

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