66| aris

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IMAGINE: Knowing Aris before you both were sent into the maze and seeing him again.

You and Thomas walked side by side, comfortable silence engulfing you two. The room around you was anything but quiet though, and Minho, looking excited, bounced on his heels as he stepped closer to you two. He went on about how you weren't the only maze, your eyes scanning the teenagers in the crowded room. They landed on a hooded boy, an untouched tray full of food in front of him as he stared at nothing in particular. The familiarity of his face overwhelmed you, and it irritated you that you couldn't figure out who he was. As if sensing your stare, he lifted his gaze to you, eyes widening in recognition.

for KaiNyeTheScienceGirl. this is so effing late i'm so sorry.

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