80| isabelle lightwood

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IMAGINE: Isabelle when you two are training together.

You take in big gulps of air as you lift yourself from the floor, sighing at the fact that she'd beaten you again. This had been the seventh time and you had been certain you'd finally kick her ass, but, like the other times, she showed you who the better fighter was. She offers you a hand, pulling you up from the ground with little effort. She backs away, twirling the bo stick in her hand, preparing to go another round.

"You ready to go again, mi amor?"

requested by: Tony_stark_MF

dedicated to: _Brooxeshields_ because you always vote and that makes me very happy.

i'm so in love with emeraude toubia, it's ridiculous

also, if you requested someone and i haven't done them yet, please go the the request page at the beggining of the book and comment there, that makes it easier for me to find it.


(and happy holidays to anyone who doesn't celebrate it)

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