Movie Night

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       I looked at him, unable to say anything. Dan…was...IS bi-sexual?

       "" Was all I could muster from the questions forming in my head. He chuckled, and began to walk out the door to the living-room. I followed like a lap dog, anxious to hear his answer.

       "I'm not sure. I know I'm not gay because I've had girlfriends before and I loved them. But...something happened and I seem to find myself thinking about how attractive men are and imagining being in a relationship with a guy.."

       "....Are you sure?" I felt a bit hypocritical because this is exactly what I felt at first but I had to be sure I heard him right.

       "I think so..." He started looking through the DVD's beside our TV as I stood in the archway between the living-room and kitchen. "I mean...the other thing is....." He trailed off.

       "Is what?"

       "Well...there's...a guy I like."

       My heart stopped. Dan....Dan is bi-sexual AND he likes a guy?! This was....too good to be true.

       "Oh...really? Who...who's the guy?" I asked. I was even more anxious now because, to be frank, I was hoping he would say me...

       "Oh it''s...uh...nobody." Dan stuttered. I really wanted to know and was rather disappointed he wouldn't tell me but I guess he didn't want to say right now.

        "Oh. Yeah. NOBODY. Right." I smirked. He looked up and shot me a playful look that said 'shut up'. I couldn't help but laugh a bit, which made him smile. "Popcorn?"

       "Yeah." He smiled more, and put Death Note into the DVD player, as we hadn't finished the box set yet. While he put the DVD in I got up to get the popcorn, even though I knew I wouldn't be eating any.


       Making myself comfortable on the couch, I waited patiently for Phil to come back. I told myself I would get him to eat some of the popcorn because eating some is still better than nothing. As the DVD started Phil came back through with the popcorn, hot and ready to be eaten.

       40 or so minutes into it, I sat eating the popcorn while Phil had touched none of it. I looked at him with a frown, which must have been quite visible because when Phil turned to look at me he looked really confused.

       "What?" He said.

       "You haven't eaten any popcorn!" I said, whining slightly.

       "I'm not hungry. Plus I thought it was YOU who wanted popcorn." He said, looking back at the screen.

       "I did but I wanted US to share the popcorn."

       "Dan..." Phil sighed. I knew this was pushing it but it was for him I was doing this.

       "Phil please?" I looked at him with puppy eyes.

       “But Dan! I don't want to..." He looked at me but quickly looked away. "Don't even try that with me!"

       "Phil...Please? For me? You don't have to eat a lot, just some of it? Please?" He looked back at me, then to the popcorn, then to me again, then back and forth for a while, debating in his mind. Eventually he sighed.

       ".....Fine. But only for you!" He grumbled, reaching into the bowl and picking out a few pieces. I smiled at him, put the bowl down, and hugged him again as a way of showing thanks. While crunching he hugged back, resting his head on my shoulder. I loved each moment of the hug, imprinting the feeling into my memory before backing away and continuing to watch the movie.

       Another hour into it and Phil starting yawning. First only once every couple of episodes, and then once every few minutes. I looked at him, giggling at his cute yawns.



       "Would it be alright if I...." He looked down, then up at me with the puppy eyes he always used. "If I maybe...lay down?"

       "Sure. It'll be fine." I said, putting my feet on the floor so he had space. The space though wasn't big enough so, in order to fit, Phil put his head on my lap.

       "I hope this is okay?" He said, turning his head to look at me.

       "Yeah." I said. He turned back to the screen and it wasn't long until Phil started snoring very lightly. I blushed, after realizing I didn't have the heart to move him and turned off the TV. Leaning back I took a deep breath, and started stroking his hair. "Oh Phil....if only you knew about this guy...He's sweet, funny, attractive...." I looked down at the peaceful Lion, asleep on me. "He's perfect...and he's...he's you." I smiled, leaned back again and closed my eyes. I didn't realize how tired I really was until sleep took me almost instantly.

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