Yet Another Nightmare

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       I was running down the corridor, panting, out of breath, but I had to keep running. Behind me were the boys in my course, shouting and cursing me.

       "GET THE FAG"


       Running. Crying. Shouting. I have to keep running. I can't stop running. They're going to get me. Shit, they're going to get me! I keep running, down the winding, long corridors. I see the face of the boy I told, and liked, in the passing windows. Ray his name was. Ray. He was everywhere. The look of disgust on each face of his I see. The words of his terror screaming to the other boys ringing in my ears.


       I turn another corner and there's a door.  A double blue one. I run to it. If I get there I'll be free. They won't hurt me! I run, pushing myself to go faster.  My legs are burning and I can't breathe but I can't stop. They'll kill me if they get to me!

       I get to the door, crashing through it. White light comes out of the door. It blinds me but I can see the silhouette of someone standing there. I stop, shielding my eyes.

       "Who...who are you?" I say.

       The figure just stands there but doesn't say a word. The boys behind me get closer, their shouting gets louder so I run to the figure, but the figure pushes me down, holding me to the ground by placing his foot on my throat. His breath smells heavily of alcohol. The figure bends down, closer to my face and I can see him now. It's HIM. The man who I dread to see. His smiles, his crooked teeth glowering at me. The boys are here now, standing around him, each with a baseball bat or weapon in hand. He exhales loudly, and chuckles to himself, still smiling evilly at me.

       "Hello...."son". I see your friends want to play. I want to play too." He takes a baseball bat from one of the boys and holds it above his head. "Don't worry. I'm sure other freaks like you want this punishment, to help them get better." He swings down with all the strength he can gather, smashing my head and face. My world goes black and all I can hear are my own blood-curdling screams.


        I woke up with a start to some really loud noise. The noise continues as I wake myself up and then I notice something moving in my lap. Then I realize, it's Phil. He's screaming. The nightmares are happening again! My eyes go wide and I place on hand on his chest and the other on his face, shaking him as I try to wake him up.

       "Phil! Phil! It's me Dan! Come on Phil, wake up!" I shout at him, hoping he snaps out of it.

       When I stop shouting he stops screaming. He turns and lays on his back, facing up at me, then lays still. After a moment, his eyes shoot open and he gasps for breath, placing his hands on his neck. I place both my hands on his face as he shudders and breaks down into a sobbing wreck. He sits up and places his hands over his face and all I could do is rub his back.

       "Phil it's alright. Everything's fine. You're safe, there's no need to worry." I say as softly as I can.

       "Dan...It was so horrible." He sobs. I stay quiet letting him continue. "I...was running, from the boys and then I saw my dad and he pinned me down and started beating me with a baseball bat, then they all joined in, either hitting me with other bats or kicking me or both...and then my dad…he...started strangling me and...Oh God Dan!" His sobs become louder and heavier as he imagines the horrible images. I have to stop myself from crying as well, to stay strong for him, but I turn him around and cradle him in my arms. Phil wraps his arms around my neck and starts sobbing into my shoulder as I stroke his hair.

       "It'll be okay. Shh. Everything will be okay." I whisper into his ear over and over again and eventually he stops crying but stays there, sniffing in my arms.

       "Please...I don't want to go back to sleep...I don't want them to hurt me anymore." He whimpers. Something in my chest tightens as my heart breaks to see him in so much distress. I stand him up and take him to his room, where I put him in his bed with Lion. I sit beside him and hold him again, rubbing his arm in a form of comfort. Phil stays silent as he hugs Lion, sniffing every now and again.

       "Thank you...for waking me up." He whispers. "But please…I don't want to go to sleep anymore now...please stay with me?"

       I nod and he rests his head on my shoulder. In return, I rest my head against his and so we stay there for the night. Sitting in the silent darkness, waiting for the sunrise. Together.

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