Tsubaki: Truth

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This truth question was suggested by ll-_Sakuya_-ll Thanks again!! Also, Belkia makes a guest appearance and Hyde might curse a lot...

An hour later...

Misono: Took you long enough, Mahiru
Mahiru: *slightly annoyed* Oh, I'm sorry I was too busy cleaning after certain people! There was water everywhere, I had to re-fold ALL my clothes since someone *looks at Kuro* tossed them out and Hyde knocked over the COMPOST bin!! Some of it got on the carpet and took forever to remove.
Hyde: *looks guilty* I thought that was the trash... I didn't know you had a compost bin.
Lily: I guess I went a little overboard with the water too... Sorry Mahiru
Mahiru: *sighs* It's fine. It was part of the dare so... I'm not mad
Licht: So, are we gonna continue or not?
Mahiru: Yeah. So whose turn?
Sakuya: Not it!!
Hugh: Don't want to go yet...
Tetsu: Big bro Mahiru, why don't you pick?
Mahiru: Hmm... how about *points* you!!
Tsubaki: Me? Why?
Kuro: Mendokusē 😩... The dare was your idea, Tsubaki. You owe him.
Tsubaki: Fine, but this is not interesting at all....
*someone pops his head through the window*
Belkia: Tsubakkyun!! There you are!!
Sakuya: B...Belkia?! What are you doing here?!
Belkia: I was bored so I was looking for Tsubakkyun to play with me
Hyde: *clears throat* Well, as you can see, he's busy!! Right, Mahiru? *gives look that says "Don't even think about it"*
Mahiru: Well um... *looks at Kuro*
Kuro: Don't look at me...
Tsubaki: Hyde's right, Belkia... But I'll play with you later.
*Belkia nods at jumps out window*
Sakuya: Truth or dare?
Tsubaki: Truth
Hyde: When you broke my contract item, you said that bonds like that don't matter to you so... do you even find any of subclasses "interesting" to you at all or are you just using them?
Licht: That's a good one, shitty rat. I'm curious as well
Misono+Lily: So are we!!
Tetsu+Hugh: Same here
Tsubaki: Sakuya knows the answer to that already, right?
Sakuya: Actually, I want to know as well, Tsubaki
Kuro: Just answer the question, Tsubaki!! You're being a pain...
Mahiru: Sakuya, seems like you're just a tool to Tsubaki... I feel bad for you. After he was your "savior"...
Tsubaki: What? That's not... I mean... of course I find my subclasses interesting!! I did save them after all...
Hyde: That doesn't prove anything!! Do you appreciate the bonds you have with your goddamn subclasses or not, you bastard?!
Tsubaki: Bastard? Me? *laughs maniacally* Says the person who murdered all his eves because he was bored of them!! *takes a deep breath* Omoshiroku nai...
Hyde: *pissed* You wanna fight cuz you've got one!! *pulls out rapier*
Tsubaki: *pulls out katana* Bring it on, gōyoku (greed) nii san!!
Kuro: Mukiaenē...
Licht: *kicks Hyde* Baka nezumi!!
Hyde: Oww, Lichtan!! That hurt!!
Licht: Do you remember where you are right now?! Pick a fight here and the damage will be unfixable!!
Lily: He's right, Hyde. Mahiru just re cleaned his entire house and if you destroy it, how will he explain it to his uncle?
Hyde: *scoffs and puts away rapier* Fine!!
Tsubaki: *puts away katana*
Licht: Tsubaki, stop dodging the question and just answer it already.
Tsubaki: I do think my subclasses are interesting and I do appreciate the bonds we have but I didn't want to say anything because I'd seem like a hypocrite.
Licht: Baka nezumi!!
Hyde: What?!
Licht: *grabs Hyde and kisses him* Calm down...
Hyde: *slightly less angry* Why are you stopping me, Lichtan? He...
Licht: I know, but do you really wanna kill him or anyone? *hesitant* Me?
Hyde: I...I...Why would you think that, Lich... *remembers what Tsubaki said* Oh.
Mikuni: Anyone know what is going on right now?
*Everyone shakes their head*
Mahiru: How about we give them some privacy?
*everyone exits*
Licht: Did you really kill all your eves, Hyde?
Hyde: Lichtan, I... I never...
Licht: Then, why'd you get angry?
Hyde: Because I...I... did do exactly what he said. You're right... I am a demon 😔
Licht: Hyde... You're not a demon. You're just like us humans. But why'd u do it?
Hyde: Because of what happened with Ophelia...
Licht: *softens expression* Oh.
Hyde: I didn't want to get close to anyone so... But then I met you, tenshi-chan and I felt like I wanted to protect you. I wanted to stay by your side, Lichtan!! *tears drop* You're just like her....
Licht: Oi, Hyde... Are you crying?
Hyde: *quickly wipes away his tears* I'm okay, Licht. I'm not crying.
Licht: *hugs Hyde* I'm sorry. I made you talk about something sensitive. It's okay to cry.
Hyde: *cries*

*Well... this turned out to be more about Hyde and Licht it seems... I couldn't help myself...I ship those two so bad

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