Hyde: Truth

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WARNING: Dark Kuro

In the hallway...

Licht: Where did that shit rat and that demon run off to?
*hears Hyde's voice and decides to follow it*
Hyde: Nii san, tell me the truth. The demon's been messing with your mind again, hasn't it? That's why you're so moody right?
Kuro: I don't know...I just...haven't been myself since that dare...
Hyde: What dare?
Kuro: The one where THAT GUY kissed Mahiru
Hyde: Are you sure you're not just jealous?
Hyde: *stuttering* Um...N-no...I mean...
Kuro: S-sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you...
Hyde: How bad is it?
Kuro: *shaking* One minute, I feel like my normal lazy self, but then one minute later, I feel like ripping someone's throat out... I'm losing control of myself!! *breaks down into sobs*
Licht: *eavesdropping*
Hyde: *hugs Kuro* Nii san... Why did you hide it for so long? You should've told someone!!
Kuro: *soft whisper* I'm telling you, aren't I?
Hyde: Yeah, but you could've told me before it got this bad!!
Kuro: *getting mad* Could I?! We barely even talked to eachother!! If I told you before, would you have listened 😡?!
Hyde: That was in the past, nii san!! I would've been there for you if you needed me!!
Kuro: *clutching his head* I... *starts to stagger*
Hyde: *worried* Nii san?
Kuro: *collapsed*
Hyde: Nii san!! *shakes Kuro*
Licht: *moves from his hiding spot and runs over to Hyde* What happened?!
Hyde: 😢 Nii san suddenly collapsed and I can't wake him up!!
Licht: I'll help you carry him back *reaches for Kuro's arm*
Kuro: *transforms into a cat*
Licht: What the?! Why is he a cat?!
Hyde: I don't know!! *getting more worried*
Licht: *picks up Kuro* I don't see any wounds... Maybe he had a lack of sleep?
Hyde: *shakes his head* That can't be it... nii san's always napping...
Licht: Well, whatever the problem is, we need to get Kuro to Mahiru... now!!
Hyde: Right!!

A few seconds later...

Licht: Mahiru!!
Mahiru: Licht!! Did you find... Kuro?!
Hyde: I was just talking to nii san when he suddenly collapsed...
Misono: Is he injured?
Licht: *shakes his head* I didn't find any wounds
Lily: Hyde... You know something, don't you?
Hyde: I-I don't know why nii san colla....
Hugh: *comes out of coffin and cuts Hyde off* Not that, Lawless... About nii san's strange behavior.
Tetsu: Hugh!! Are you well enough to leave the coffin?
Hugh: Not really, but I could still talk to you guys while I'm inside.
Jeje: *to Hyde* Is what Hugh saying true?
Hyde: I-I can't tell you... I promised nii san I wouldn't...
Lily: So you do know something!!
Hugh: Why can't you tell us?
Hyde: I-I just can't!!
Licht: So then, it's true?
Hyde: 😕 What is?
Licht: Everything I heard the two of you say last month
Hyde: You heard everything 😓?!
Licht: Every word
Hyde: *trying to lie* It's...not true...
Mahiru: Hyde!!
Hyde: What?
Mahiru: Truth or dare?
Misono+Tetsu: Really?!
Mikuni: Now is not the time for this, Mahiru 😒!!
Hyde: Da... I mean t-truth...
Mahiru: What's the reason for Kuro's behavior?
Hyde: I really can't tell you... I want to, but I can't!!
Licht: Then, I'll tell them
Hyde: *panics* No!! You can't!!
Mahiru: So, are you gonna tell us then?
Hyde: *hesitates* ...yes
Misono: So? What's wrong with Kuro?
Hyde: His demon's been trying to take over his mind since Sakuya was dared to kiss you
Mahiru: Really? Are you sure it's not just jealousy?
Hyde: Believe it or not, I said the same thing, but then nii san yelled at me
Sakuya: Well then, it's a good thing he doesn't know what really happened last month...
Mahiru: Sakuya!!
Misono: Hold up!! You lied last time?!
Sakuya: Mahiru asked me to since he didn't want Kuro to find out and try to kill me
Tetsu: I feel like I know exactly what happened between the two of you, but I'm gonna ask anyway. What really happened?
Sakuya: I... *pauses*
Kuro: *regained consciousness but no one notices*
Sakuya: I... practically... raped him...
Licht: You what?!
Hyde: *to Mahiru* Why didn't you try to escape?!
Mahiru: I-I couldn't...
Kuro: *soft whisper* You were raped?
Everyone: *gasps*
Mahiru: When did you wake up?
Kuro: *overwhelmed* Mahiru was raped... by HIM... *demon takes over his mind*

Kuro (Demon): I'll kill him!!Mahiru: Kuro? *walks towards Kuro*Hyde: *grabs Mahiru's arm and drags him away* That's not nii san anymore, Mahiru

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Kuro (Demon): I'll kill him!!
Mahiru: Kuro? *walks towards Kuro*
Hyde: *grabs Mahiru's arm and drags him away* That's not nii san anymore, Mahiru...
Kuro (Demon): *to Sakuya* You're gonna pay!! I'm going to make you suffer!!
Sakuya: *tries to run away but is grabbed by the possessed Kuro* Ahh!!
Sakuya: Don't kill me 😱!! Please!!
Kuro (Demon): Kill you? *laughs evilly* I'm not gonna kill you... that'd be too easy. I'm gonna break every bone in your body. Then, I'm gonna take your heart out and crush it 😈!!
Mahiru: *shaking* Kuro, what's happened to you?

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