Stark Expo

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After I said hi to Rhodey and had a long talk with my old friend Pepper. I went to the lab to talk with Tony.

"You know whats happening tonight? The Stark Expo. How long has it been since you were there anyway?" he asked me.

"6 years. I have a feeling you are trying to get at something," I replied, giving him a pointed look.

"Well I was kinda hoping you would sing at the expo," he said looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"You just had to ask, Tony. Of course I will!" I squealed and hugged him.

"Well good thing I already have an outfit for you," he smirked.

Oh no.

Steve's POV

"Hey Steve! The Stark Expo is starting!" Sam yelled from across the apartment.

Bucky and I joined Sam on the couch in the living room. The show began as a bunch of very scantily dressed girls in Iron Man costumes danced on stage. It kind of reminded me of my Captain America show back in the 40s. Then Tony landed in his Iron Man suit at the front of the stage. He spun slowly on a platform as mechanical arms removed his armor revealing a suit beneath.

"Welcome back to the Stark Expo!" he yelled to the crowd, who screamed in response.

"I'm going to say thank you for all being here. Tonight I have a little surprise for you. It's not a new invention. It's not a speech, even though you know how much I love giving those," he told the crowd, who laughed in response.

"No this surprise is my little give to the younger generation. Follow your dreams and do whatever you want to do because we are?" Tony asked, putting his hand behind his ear and waiting for a response from the crowd.

"Making Way for Tomorrow Today!" they yelled back.

"He sure knows how to work the crowd, doesn't he?" Bucky said sarcastically.

"He sure does," I replied, returning my eyes to the screen.

"And so lady's and gentlemen I present, my little sister Sarah Stark, with her hit single, When I Grow Up!" Tony yelled before leaving the stage.

(Song actually belongs to The Pussycat Dolls.)

Sam, Bucky, and I yelled at the same time, "LITTLE SISTER!"

We had no idea he had a sister seeing as Tony never brought her up and we hadn't seen her before.

The lights on the stage started flashing as music poured from the TV speakers. A girl with blond hair stepped out in a less revealing iron man costume and began to sing.

Now I've got a confessionWhen I was young I wanted attentionAnd I promised myself that I'd do anythingAnything at all for them to notice me

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Now I've got a confession
When I was young I wanted attention
And I promised myself that I'd do anything
Anything at all for them to notice me.
But I ain't complaining
We all wanna be famous
So go ahead and say what you wanna say
You don't know what its like to be nameless
Want them to know what your name is
'Cause see when I was younger I would say
When I grow up
I wanna be famous
I wanna be a star
I wanna be in movies

The camera went in for a close up and we saw her face up close.

"Hey! That's the girl from this morning, on our run," Sam said pointing at the screen.

"Yeah. Didn't she talk to you before we left?" Bucky asked Sam

"Yep. Right before you guys ran up she was asking if I was okay. It was kinda like deja vu when you and me ran together for the first time. She said she passed you. I didn't believe it," Sam said laughing.

"Yes she did. Which worries me. Me and Bucky have the super soldier serum. The fact that she can run faster than us at our top speed is hard to believe. There is no way she is human. She could be a Hydra experiment or worse. Plus how did we not know she even exsisted. You'd think someone with that ability would be noticeable,"I said staring at the girl's face.

" I agree. We need answers. And there's only one way we're going to get them," Bucky told us, saying what was going through all of our minds.

We're already on the wrong side of the law. It can't get any worse.

Sarah's POV

"You will finish what I started," the Skull's voice called from the dark.

"The dark, it calls to you. Embrace it, as I did," the doctor told me.

A soldier walked out of the shadows. A woman in a black catsuit. She held a shield with the Hydra symbol on it in a deep red. I watched as she killed my brother, Bucky, Tony, and every one of my friends and family.

"This is what you are," she told me, taking off her helmet to reveal my face, "You know what to do."

She reached out her hand to me.

"I need more time. Not yet." I said to her, my Winter Soldier side.

"Time is running out Rogers. Beware that you don't wait too long," she told me before returning to the shadows of my mind.

I awoke with a gasp. I sat up and sat at the edge of my bed, my face in my hands.

Standing up, I walk to my closet and open the hidden door in the back. I the opened door revealed my Winter Soldier suit from my dream, my Hydra shield, and a small black box.

 I the opened door revealed my Winter Soldier suit from my dream, my Hydra shield, and a small black box

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Taking the small box I carried it to my desk. I lifted the lid and removed a black computer flash drive. This drive was special. It could contain the same amount of information as 200,000 feet of data banks thanks to microchips.

I inserted the drive into the slot on the side of my open laptop before opening the respective file. I began to pace in front of the screen.

"Something on your mind Fraulein?" the voice of my Swiss doctor filled my room.

"Dr. Zola, I need you to contact Edelina Schmidt. Tell her to begin preparations. War... has begun," I said staring out my window.

"As you wish Frau Rogers."

(PLOT TWIST!!! What do you think?)

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