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this was actually suppose to be up two nights ago, sorry loves.



Zaquan walked through the grocery store with Zariah in search for elbow macaroni noodles. Zariah was going to be cooking tonight and of course Tank was going to be coming through.

"So you and that nigga serious huh?" Zaquan said as Zariah searched the shelves for what she needed.

"Yes, I really do love him," Zariah said with her back still turned towards her brother.

"Ew, don't say no shit around me like that 'Riah," Zaquan said while twisting his nose up. Zariah waved him off and continued to get three boxed of elbow macaroni and then some shredded cheese for the macaroni and cheese.

"Come on lil brother," Zariah said and he groaned. As they walked down the grocery aisle Zaquan pushed the cart, following Zariah. Just as he was coming around the corner he bumped into another cart.

"Shit my bad," Zaquan quickly said.

"Yeah excuse him he's damn near blind," Zariah said turning around.

"It's alright, I'm nearly blind myself..." The angelic voice said Zaquan moved around and once he got a better look at her, his jaw nearly dropped his jaw.

The woman that was standing behind the cart was a tan color with sandy brown hair that was bone straight and fell past her shoulders. Her eyes were hazel and Zaquan tried his absolute best not to fall into the deep trap her eyes held. 

Zariah looked at Zaquan with her lips curled up, "Come on Qua!" She said and the mystery woman shot him a smile that left him breathless.

Even though Zaquan still felt how he felt about Tahari but he wasn't about to chase something that he couldn't keep up with. After a while shit was going to get old, which it did. Tahari was fine as fuck, but Zaquan knew he looked just as good himself.

"Shorty was fine as hell," Zaquan commented and Zariah ignored him.


"Sorry I'm late I was at the grocery store and time just slipped from me," Zaquan said as he rushed into Tahari's eleven o'clock prenatal appointment.

"You know if you're going to show up late, just don't show up at all." Tahari said as she remained unbothered laying down with her shirt up. The doctor tried her best not to interfere with the obvious hostility in the air so she kept her mouth shut.

"Then I'll do just that," Zaquan said then exited the room Tahari sat up with wide eyes. 

Quan ain't having it today huh? She thought to herself.

"Sorry Doctor Smith, can we just act like that never happened and proceed with the appointment. I'll deal with his bullshit later," Tahari said. He voice began to slightly crack but she was able to keep herself composed.

Tahari tried to push what just happened to the back of her head as she diverted her attention to the screen the doctor was looking at.

"And there goes our baby that's just chilling," The doctor laughed. Tahari looked and laughed but couldn't help the tears that fell down her face.

"So right about now our baby is about five, six centimeters. The most dramatic development this week is actually reflexes. So like if you apply slight pressure to your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response but the sad thing about that is that you aren't able to feel it," The doctor explained.

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