People Speak of Stars

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People speak of stars
And we know them
We think we know them
Who could name any star
And know each element of it
And each fluctuation of energy
We don't know stars

People speak of trees
And we know them
We think we know them
Who could name any tree
And know each of its needs
And each fallen leaf
We don't know trees

People speak of our neighbours
And we know them
We think we know them
We know their names
But can't know each heartache
And each triumph
We don't know our neighbours

People speak of our family
And we know them
We think we know them
We know their names
But we can't pick out each lie
And each sympathy
We don't know our family

People speak of our friends
And we know them
We think we know them
We know their names
Though we know each flaw
And each perfection
We can never know our friends

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