The Mirror

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Under the shadow of an old oak
Surrounded by many more younger oaks
A mirror stands
Tall and overgrown
Moss and young branches
Reaching and twisting up the frame

A little mouse scampers up
And holds the bottom of the frame
Beady eyes to beady eyes
It tilts its head
It tilts its head
It steps down, turns around
And looks back one more time
Then scampers away again

A squirrel spots a walnut by a mouse
It dashes over to the nut
As another squirrel dashes next to it
The squirrel hides its nut
And looks over at the mirror
At the other squirrel
It dashes up to the glass
And scratches, seeing the nut-stuffed mouth
And stops
And dashes up a tree

A bear cracks branches
It cannot smell
It cannot hear
But it sees
A snarling bear
It walks up to the mirror
Wide and proud
It bares its teeth
The other bear does the same
The bears stand tall and fierce

And attack
The mirror shatters
And the glass cuts the champion's paws
And gets stuck in the champion's claws
And the pride is gone
And the snarls go away
And the bears are destroyed
One bear walks the forest

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