The Jump-Larry

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  The crowd silenced as Liam took center stage to let the last “irresistible” vibrate through the area. And as it echoed and the boys began to take small and slow steps towards the wings, every person erupted into a fit of screaming. It was the loudest crowd they had heard yet and it was nearly impossible to even hear your own thoughts. The girls screamed and shouted as the boys stood on stage, looked at each other with huge grins and took their final bow.

  Harry straightened up first and flashed his half smirk that Lou couldn’t help but notice because it made one of his dimples stand out more than normal. And it had been flashed in his direction more times than he could count. “Thank you London, it is always a pleasure. You are all beautiful, and good night!”  The arena pulsed with energy as every single person yelled at the top of their lungs as if that would rewind the concert and bring the retreating boys back.

  The boys high fived each other and hugged as their ears took in the deafening screams still coming from the crowd. They knew it was probably the best concert they had done thus far and the ringing in their ears was the best gift they could have asked for.

  They headed towards their dressing rooms, stumbling over compliments and statements that they had saved since the beginning of the concert. Most of them were directed towards Lou who had asked for more solos, and killed every single one of them.

  Liam and Zayn began to air box just for a way to release some of their adrenaline. “Mate, I don’t think you’ve eva sounded betta really.” Zayn’s smile caused the tips of Louis ears to redden and he let out a shy “Thank you”.

  Niall patted him on the shoulder barely able to contain himself. “Hah! Member when you…said the ting bout ta dog…” He couldn’t finish his sentence because simply bringing up the topic had been enough to remind him of how funny it had been. 

  Louis found himself laughing along, “Yeah I do, but it wasn’t even that funny.” His blonde friend barely heard him as he continued to laugh all the way down the hallway and into his dressing room.

  “You sounded great.” Harry was behind him and slightly away from the three remaining boys, and it was obvious he had left that distance on purpose.  Zayn and Liam looked at each other and stopped fake fighting noticing the atmosphere was no longer fun and tension hung heavy instead.

  “Um, we will see you guys on the bus ya?” Liam gave Zayn a nod and headed towards the way Niall had gone, their disappearance punctuated with the shut of their dressing room door. Lou bit his lip before turning over his shoulder to stare at Harry. Their eyes locked but nothing was said. Harry’s smirk from moments ago was long gone and his posture was stiff and tense.

  “What is it Harry because I’m pretty sure you don’t really mean that.” Lou felt his own smile evaporate and his blush dissipate as he took in Harry’s brown boots, skinny jeaned long legs and plain black tee with his matching black bandanna. He wanted nothing more than to close the distance between them and hug him…nuzzle his neck…God even though he was angry he ultimately wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

  “Why would I say it if I didn’t mean it.” His voice gave nothing away, there was no warmth, but he wasn’t being upfront with his anger either. Lou could only tell his true feelings because of the way his collarbones were more prominent than normal and his shoulders were hitched. Lou licked his lips and let out a frustrated grunt before stomping towards Harry, grabbing his wrist, and dragging him into the dress room next to them.

  Harry tore his hand from his grip as Lou shut the door firmly behind them, showing a bit of his own anger. “What the hell is going on with you?” He tried not to let his voice display the hurt he was feeling, but as he saw something flash in Harry’s eyes, he knew he hadn’t succeeded. Harry turned away from the shorter boy, busying himself with removing his ear piece and tearing off his tee.

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