All In- A Niall Short Story

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  The lads and I were trying our best not to draw attention to ourselves but after this year, that was nearly impossible. We had our sunglasses tightly pushed up on our noses and the collars of our coats flipped up to try and further disguise ourselves. 

  It wasn’t a bad thing to have hot girls throwing themselves at us, but some days we just needed time to ourselves.

We thankfully got in and out of Starbucks relatively quickly, and there were only a few girls who threw scrunched glances our way, their minds clearly trying to make a connection to who we were.

  The cold Virginia air made my eyes water as we walked down the street going now where special and in no hurry either. Our concert wasn’t for three days and since we were well rehearsed, no questions were asked when we decided to just settle in for a little bit of R&R.

  Harry and Zayn were walking a bit ahead of the rest of us and soon the two of them were caught up in some private conversation as Liam, Louis, and I chatted easily about what we were going to do the rest of the day.

  “Well I kinda want to just head back to the hotel and actually relax. I can’t remember the last time that I got to Skype with El really.” Lou’s eyebrows drew together to show that he really couldn’t recall when that had last happened.

  Liam on my left nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah, I’m kind of leaning towards the idea of sitting in the hotel and just chilling. You want to come with Niall?” He ducked his head low to try and keep the wind from stinging his face so much, and peered at me from the side. I looked side to side at all of the small shops and stores that we were passing by and weighed my options. If I went back to the hotel, all I would do was sleep and eat food in my boxers, but if I stayed out then I could at least learn a bit about the area.

  “You know what? I think I’m gonna hang back, I’ll catch up with you guys later.” The two of them just shrugged their shoulders and picked up the pace to catch up with Zayn and Harry who were about to turn around the corner that led back to where we were staying. For a quick second fear stabbed at my heart for the idea of being alone, but as I began to walk back towards Starbucks, it slowly dissipated. It’s not that I don’t love the boys, I do, it’s just the fact that having some time alone isn’t a bad thing either.

  In the downtown area there was too many stores too look at and I didn’t even know where to start. But seeing a homey looking bookstore a little ways down from a shoe store that was across from the Starbucks, I thought that it was as good of a place to start as anywhere else. I hitched my shoulders to try and keep the wind from sneaking under my coat and waited a few heartbeats to allow a car to drive by before jogging across the street. My feet guided me there easily and before I knew it, my hand was on the knob, pulling the old brown wooden door open, sounding an old fashioned chime above it.


  “But you don’t understand, they seriously looked as if they had just swallowed acid or something.” My hand was shaking as I pressed my phone to my ear, the cold wind wrapping itself around my exposed wrist and intertwining itself with my fingers. 

  “Oh come on Brittney, this was your first B+, and probably the last one you will ever get. Your parents can’t be that pissed off.” I could hear that was Angie saying the words, but knew just as well as I did that my parents were incredibly pissed off. 

  I willed my feet to move faster and seeing the window of the book store let out a breath that fogged up the air in front of me. “You didn’t see their faces. But whatever, I left to let everything calm down and I just got to the book store so I’ll talk to you later babe.” Angie said her goodbye and I shoved my frozen hand and phone into my pocket and used the other to tug open the wooden door, setting off the chime above, indicating my arrival to everyone.

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