IV. Fighting (part one)

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Today was the first day of the Kōshien qualifiers. We all were silent as we boarded the bus heading towards the opening ceremony and our game right after. There was a reason behind silence, and honestly it was Miyuki and Me that caused it. Well, it was more like it was his fault, but I won't deny that I too, was at fault. Everyone was affected by our fight. After all, when a Pitcher and a Catcher who are rather good friends get into it publicly, it comes as a shock to most. I was worried by Miyuki's odd behavior first, though.

• • • • •

The Day before:

I walked to morning practice in silence but was stopped by an odd sight along the way. There was a brunette sitting on the bench outside of the showers with his head hung low. 'what is that idiot doing?' As I went to approach him I noticed a girl approaching him from the other side. I stopped dead in my tracks and just watched. "Miyuki-kun, did you need anything?" Why was she here?

I knew that girl. She was my half sister, and she absolutely hated my guts. She was only a year younger than me and was in her third year of Junior High. I was the 'Mistake' of our family since I cross-dressed for Baseball. My little sister was the affair child of the family and the reason my dad left my mom and married my half-sister's mother. My whole life I was treated as the mistake instead.

"Why did you come here? I told you I'm not interested, Nahī." My eyes widened when I heard Miyuki reject her. 'Bwaha! That's a first!' My theoretical relative scoffed before grabbing his chin and trying to force him to kiss her. Something about the scene made my stomach do a backflip. Miyuki, however, shoved her off. "I said, no." I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Nahī huffed and walked away with tears rolling down her cheeks because she didn't get her way. 'Man, she never changes.'

I built up confidence and approached the catcher, whom was busy watching the girl flee. "Oi, Snake-kun! Practice will start soon, let's go." He ignored me. 'What did I do?' "Miyuki! Come on!" He turned and glared at me. "Don't look at me like that!" I grabbed his arm to drag him to practice but he yanked it away. "Oi! Miyuki! What the-" I saw the look he gave me. 'What's going on with him?' I scoffed. "Is what she said true?" I stared at him when he spoke in a low voice. "What did she say?" He wouldn't answer. "Is it?" I sighed.

"Miyuki I'm not Psychic so tell me what you're asking about otherwise let's go." He frowned at me. "You don't even have the guts to admit it Satō? You used your connections with the Alumni to get on this team didn't you. That's not right!" My lips parted. But I never even thought of it... "Oh so now I'm not even good enough to make this team on my own? Shows how much confidence you have." I frowned and crossed my arms. "IS IT TRUE?" Miyuki was shouting. Why? Because he had no faith in me. Why do I deserve this?

"No. Of course it isn't." His frown deepened into a scowl and I lowered my eyebrows. "Tell the truth. I swe-" I growled. "I'M NOT LYING MIYUKI! YOU ALWAYS ASSUME THE WORST OF IT DON'T YOU? YOU EVEN PLAYED ME IN JUNIOR HIGH!," my voice trailer off from a shout into a lower tone, "...it must suck not being able to trust your teammate and more importantly yourself. I'll throw with someone else since you can't even trust me. I don't know what business you have with my half-sister and I don't care. Miyuki, you better stay away from me."

I glared him in the eyes. His scowl disappeared, being replaced by a tight line and his eyes looked to be full of confusion, remorse, and shock. I walked away after realizing our teammates had crowded around the scene. Everyone looked shocked or angry about our falling out. My stupid half-sister can't let me have any friends, now can she?

• • • • •

I got off the bus last after we arrived at the opening ceremony. As per usual, I was in charge of dragging the players who had to go to the bathroom to the bathroom. Unfortunately, Snake was included in this populous. "Be quick guys, we need to be back soon." They all flooded into the bathroom and I waited outside the door, as usual. I sighed at Miyuki, who didn't even so much as look at the bathroom. "Why come with us if you don't even have to go? Or did you not trust me to lead our teammates to the bathroom as well? Did I cheat to do that too? I bet you wouldn't be surprised right? Since I never do anything right?"

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