♜monster party♜

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—Takes place during the Druselsteinoween episode—

'It is amusing honestly, the way normals set up their little parties,' your mind cooed as you entered the large castle. Once you were inside you pressed yourself into the corner of the room closest to the large set of double doors.

You had to admit, whoever decorated the alcazar had rather motto tastes of decoration. Banners that were decorated with a grinning pumpkin were dangling over the inside balustrades. There were also ghost emblems that were rested on the back area of arches that lined the wall above the balcony. Chandeliers that hung from the ceiling swayed as the music emitted from a large stereo near the right wall of the atrium.

Not only were the decorations cliche, but the costumes were too! Most women on the dance floor adorned a flowing, blood red dress that would drag against the floor a bit before stopping and a pair of the high heels that matched the red of the dress. They also had a black mop of frizzy hair that had gray highlights in it. Much like all the women, the men also seemed to have copied what the other one was wearing. The men were dressed as scarlet crusaders, with large black hats that carried abundant feathers, a mask, and fake fencing swords to finish of the costume.

Were normals usually this barren of idea or was it just you, because it really began to feel like they were all one in the same thing. You did not want any of those bland freeloaders! You wanted someone creative! Someone with a sharp mind, someone that is not afraid to stand out from the crowd and do what they loved, someone who is actually interesting! Your stomach growled in hunger, and you needed to find that someone soon.

Preparing yourself to find someone new, you straightened out your costume with a grin. The costume you wore at the moment was defiantly one of your favorites...well it was a dress but still. It was a black Victorian styled dress, you even wore a corset and everything! Two ruffled straps extended from the area the area the sleeves would have been if they were there and connected to a collar that rested in the middle of your neck. On the chest of your bodice you adorned layered, ruffled lace, which made you appear thinner. Under that three white buttons extended just below your belly button. Once you passed the buttons, the large, bustle designed skirt stopped at your ankles. You wore black flats with bats on them.

Reaching into the pocket of your dress, you pulled out two lace gloves and slid them on your arms. All the while you made sure your sharp fingernails did not tear the fabric. "Okay," you muttered to yourself, nervously licking at your lips, "let's do this." You pushed yourself off the wall and began to lumber around the room. Honestly, you would not be that surprised if you looked like a lion that was spying on its prey, you sure felt as hungry as a one.

You typically strayed from the adults and teens, they always brought on the sourest taste. You proffered those your age, they were always so sweet! Defiantly the perfect feast on Halloween night, especially considering how popular it has grown among normals your age all thanks to the simple yet complex taste of the sweets they received.

"Alright!" You heard a voice say. You quickly shifted to see where it was coming from, and you were pleasantly pleased when you saw a young boy, "everything seems to be in order." Mystery boy appeared to be looking over the snacks they provided before checking off something on a paper he held. He must have been the organizer of the party, but isn't he a little young to be doing it? Whatever.

'Guess who found her new target!' You inwardly cheered before slinking up to the boy. Once you made it behind him you tapped his shoulder, seeking his full attention.

The boy turned around and smiled when he saw you, "hello, do you need help with anything?"

"Actually, yes," you professionally lied, "I must speak with the director of this get together."

"That would be me! I'm Phineas Flynn," he extended his hand for you to shake it. You complied, but you allowed your nails to dig into his flesh a bit.

You pulled away, "I'm (first name) (last name), and I am afraid something is wrong with...," you glanced around the party room, trying to think of an object to use as an excuse. You looked at the chandeliers, "the chandeliers."

Phineas looked up at them, worry written all over his features, "it does not look like anything is wrong with them..."

"You have to be on the inside balcony thing to see it." You grabbed his hand and prayed to the heavens above that no one was there, "come on, we need to hurry or the entire ceiling might cave in on everyone!" You dragged Phineas up the stairs, but with his newfound panic Phineas seemed to be the one leading you up there.

"What chandelier is it?" Phineas frantically stared each of them down. You examined the room, and discovered that it will be tougher for people to see you on the farthest end from the door due to the second chandelier blocking everyone's view.

"It is the one farthest from the doors." The two of you began to sprint toward that area and Phineas began analyzing the last light fixture.

"Wait...there is nothing wrong with it..." Phineas trailed off and sent a curious glance your way. He saw a small smile tug at your lips, before it became an open mouthed grin that revealed a set of pointed fangs.

"Thank you very much for your assistance!" You had to work hard to prevent yourself from yowling with laughter, normals sure were dense! You began creeping towards him a satisfactory glint in your eyes.

"What are you doing?" Phineas began backing away from you h too, he was pressed against the wall.

"Oh, you know," you pressed your tongue against the tip of one of the razor sharp fangs, "just having a midnight snack." You were right in front of him now.

"He-" Phineas began to cry for help, but he was cut off when your lips pressed against his own. After pulling back, a chuckle escaped your lips at Phineas's shocked state. You placed him under the influence of a simple spell to prevent him from speaking or fighting back.

Your arms slammed onto the wall by Phineas's head and you leaned down into his neck. Before actually biting down, you licked the area you planned on harvesting from, doing this prevented so much blood spilling out and acted as a painkiller. You shivered as you licked his flesh, he was by far the sweetest thing you have ever tasted! Your stomach let out a plea, begging you to devour him.

"And some say vampires aren't real," you bit down, and smiled at the candy like taste. It always felt so satisfying, the way the blood traveled through your fangs straight to your stomach! There was nothing better the. The rising heat as you packed up on blood. After a while you decided you have had enough and pulled away, "you are a lucky boy, I usually just kill my victims, but you are just so sweet! You better believe I will be returning for more."

You snapped your fingers, and Phineas was free from his trance. He stared up at you with a devastated shock before pressing his hand against the new wound that marked his neck. "Goodbye cutie," you winked before snapping..., and just like that you disappeared.

Phineas Flynn x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now