◍Thanksgiving Special◍

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Happy thanksgiving everyone! Before we get to the one-shot I just want to tell you that I am so thankful for all of you guys! Thank you so much for taking time out of your daily lives to read my stories and look at my page and stuff! I love you guys so much *hugs*...and I know this one-shot is kinda exaggerated...I just wanted to make a funny little thing for this wonderful day.

You stood outside the door of your friends, whose name is Phineas Flynn, home. A bowl full of mashed took up your arm space as you attempted to ring the doorbell. When you failed at doing so you just decided to kick the door a few times. The sound that resided behind the door came to a sudden stop, then the door was opened.

"I can't believe it!" You grinned, "it's dipper pines!"

He has defiantly changed from when you last saw him, during high school. He was much taller, and seemed to have gained some muscle. He also now showed off his Big Dipper birthmark as if it were a trophy.

It took him a while to process who you are, but once he did, he blushed, "(your name)! How's college? Are you still going to be a (random occupation)?"

"College is great so far!" When the bowl slipped a bit you adjusted your grip. "And I am actually now considering being a (favorite occupation)!"

Dipper nodded before extending his hands, "let me take that for you."

"Okay," you placed the dish in his arms.

Dipper beamed at you, "come inside, everyone is going to be so glad to see you!"

The two of you began to lumber inside, and when you made it to the dinning room all eyes were on you. "(First name)!" Howard Weinerman cheerfully called your name. Pretty soon you were being crowded by the group of old pals.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" Isabella Garcia-Shapiro cheered.

"Have you gotten a boyfriend yet?" Randy Cunningham teased, but a tense edge was caught between his words.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Mabel Pines hugged you so tight the air was forced out of you.

"Come on guys!" Everyone stopped when the wise one of the group, Nomi Conicus Norisu (one known as Nomicon), interrupted the review time. "Give (him/her) some space, we can easily ask all the questions we want once we are at the table. It should be complete now that the mashed potatoes are here."

Dipper nodded and set them down on the counter. Afterwards, everyone took a seat at the table, which was made large enough by pushing a few tables together.

"Okay everyone," Phineas started, "I know that everyone wants to ask (first name) a few things, so we will do this quickly. In honor of our friend returning after being separated for a while, will you bless the food (first name)?"

"Sure." you crossed your arms and bowed your head. The others followed. "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to gather today in appreciation, and thank you for allowing us to catch up on missing time. Please may you bless this wonderful feast so it will nurture and strengthen our bodies and minds..., so yeah. We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

Everyone began scooping the desired food items onto their plates. It was really fun! You answered everyone's questions about just about anything, it was when the pumpkin pie was brought out things became...hectic. Sadly Nomi was taking a potty break so he could not experience most of the ordeal.

"What is that?" Baljeet was repulsed by the ominous black dot that was smeared on the pie.

"Is it edible?" Mabel reached out to poke it, but dipper pulled her hand back.

"It's probably dangerous," Ferb frowned.

"Yo, (first name)," Howard nudged you, "touch it."

"Don't make (him/her) do something (he/she) doesn't want to do!" Randy hissed.

"But I do wanna touch it." You rubbed your finger against it, but shrieked when it began moving. "IT'S A FUDGING SPIDER!" A cry quickly broke out after yelling this.

The horrid beast jumped onto Dippers arm, and a scream was forced out his throat. You scrambled to hide behind Phineas.

"Oh my goodness kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" Between every word you threw mashed potatoes at the demon, but it only succeeded in hitting your friends. Phineas protectively wrapped his arms around you.

"We need to get out of here!" Dippers free hand grabbed your arm, his other one held Mabel.

"Come on!" Randy grabbed your other arm. The three boys that were trying to (and failing at) protect you sent each other a glare.

"It's coming!" You cried as the spider began to lumber towards you guys. Everyone else was hiding behind pieces of furniture.

"What is going on?" Nomi entered, with a confused expression.

"We're being threatened by a spider!" Baljeet sniffed and slide closer to Buford.

Nomi face-palmed before grabbing one of the many wayward shoes. The spider began to hiss, that's right, HONKING HISS, as Nomi neared it. You were certain death was near for your redheaded friend...then it happened. He smashed the spider with the converse.

"And that was my favorite pair," Randy frowned.

"Nomi killed the spider!" You shoved Phineas, Dipper, and Randy away before sprinting over to Nomi. They all glared as you cheerily chat with him.

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