Chapter one: First day (Miya's Point of Veiw)

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This chapter is dedicated to Animeluvr999721. She is the one who wrote this chapter, and is the Co-author alone with me(ShanianChick96), and I just wanted you all to know who is writing this book.

My eyes snapped open as the alarm started ringing. Reflexively, my hand came up, then down on the clock, smashing it to pieces.

“Crap. That’s the third time this week.” I muttered as I surveyed the wreckage that had been my alarm clock. I stumbled out of bed, almost running head first into the wall until I regained my balance, then I stretched.

Well, it’s the first day at my new school. I thought. I tried not to think of the reason for this, but memories of that ANBU ninja informing me that my parents had died in a mission wormed their way into my conscious. Blinking back tears, I made my way to my closet in my aunt’s house to get ready for school. I put on black boots that reached my knees, a sleeveless purple shirt with a long sleeved fishnet shirt underneath, and a knee-length purple skirt. After fixing my chin-length straight hair so that it lay flat, I made my way down the stairs for breakfast. Naruto, my cousin, was in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal.

“Mornin’.” Was his muffled greeting.

I nodded in his direction, not feeling in the mood to talk. After grabbing a quick breakfast, I decided to leave before Naruto. If he wanted to be late, that’s his problem.

The walk to my new school was lonely, but peaceful. Cherry blossom trees grew along the street, and at this time of year the blossoms were just beginning to appear. The only thing that disappointed me was the fact that no one else apparently took this route to Konoha High.

About five minutes later, I warily made my way to the principal’s office. The woman I met was nothing like I expected.

“Hello, Miya, its very nice to meet you. I am your new principal, Ms. Tsunade. I hope you will enjoy your time here.” She said, holding out her hand and smiling warmly. She was very nice, but her choice of clothing put me off just a bit. She wore her long blonde hair in pigtails, and she wore a tight-fitting kimono that showed off her extremely ample cleavage. How she could even stand upright was a mystery to me.

I shyly shook her hand and said, “Its nice the meet you too, Ms. Tsunade.”

Ms. Tsunade sat down, and abruptly stood again and exclaimed, “Oh, that’s right! I need to give you your schedule and a map!” She picked up a file on her desk and handed it to me. “I gave you a similar schedule to you cousin. I thought that Naruto could help you get settled and maybe even introduce you to his friends.”

“Thank you. Um, if you will excuse me, I should probably be going now…” I trailed off. Ms. Tsunade merely nodded, and I scuttled out of her office.

Making my way to my homeroom, which happened to be only one hall away from the principal’s office, I saw many of the students. I couldn’t remember any names, but a few people looked familiar from my visits to Konoha in the past. I paused in front of the door, bracing myself for whatever may be there.

I was met with utter chaos.


The first thing I saw was my teacher calmly reading at his desk while his room slowly turned into a war zone. Most of the commotion was caused just by one girl who was right in the middle of the room. The girl had black hair and eyes. The girl was obviously very energetic, considering that she seemed to be verbally harassing about half the class at the same time. She was obviously very oblivious, as just then she saw a dark-haired boy and yelled, “Sasuke-kun!! I haven’t seen you in foreverz!!” as she smashed him in a bear hug.

Her outburst made the entire class turn in silence to look at her, while a, strangely, pink-haired girl asked,

“You know Sasuke?”

This time, the boy, Sasuke answered, “Unfortunately, yes.” He face palmed.

That was about the time the girl saw me in the doorway. She emitted a high-pitched squeak, and ran towards me, yelling, “New person!!”

She hugged me at top speed, and I stiffened at the sudden contact.

This chick must be crazy.

She started talking at high speed, “Hi, I’m Kome, what’s your name? Where are you from? I hope you’ll like it here.”

While I was flustered, trying to get her off of me while at the same time trying to answer her questions, Sasuke stood and walked toward us.

He put his hand on Kome’s shoulder and said, “No more sugar for you.”

This seemed to shock her, as she slowly let go of me, fell to the floor, held her arms up with her inner arm facing her, with her fingers locked into ridged positions, and she shrieked, “NOOOOOOOOOO!!” Her arms then collapsed to her sides as she sat down, and she dissolved into fake anime tears. “But I wike sugar...” she muttered.

Sasuke sighed “Why me?” he asked

That was when Naruto decided to join the rest of the class, which was only like three seconds before the final bell rang.

I sighed, spoke to Naruto, “Good, you’re here. What took you so long? You only live like five minutes away. Anyway, how do you handle these people?!?”

Naruto looked at me strangely, and said, “What are you doing in my class?”

Before I had the chance to answer, the same pink-haired from before asked me, “You know Naruto?”

I answered, “Well, I should, considering that we’re cousins.”

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