"Why does gym always feel like a battlefield?" (Missing part uploaded)

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 (ShanianChick96 talking. Sorry this took so long. Animeluvr999721 has been really busy with school, so she did not have much time to work on the 2nd Miya's Prov. She came over to my house yesterday and we finished it, so here ya'll go! Also, becuase this is bound to be a funny story, and there is already some funnyness in it, the genra for this book is now Fan Fiction/Humor.)

Hi! Animeluvr999721 here! I wanted to do a quick bio on my character, Miya.

Miya is the only child of Miki Uzumaki and Naru Fuse (pronounced foo-seh), who were killed in an ambush while they were on a mission together. In this book, Naruto’s parents were not killed, but he still has the Nine-tailed Fox within him. (I’m still trying to come up with a plausible reason for that) Miya is fifteen, so Naruto’s parents took her in until she is old enough to live on her own. Miya is a thoughtful but funny person. Her humor is often sarcastic, and most people don’t understand her because of this. She hangs around Naruto a lot because she is shy in new places with new people, but she does open up once she is comfortable. (That’s when she shows just how strange she is…) Don’t ever give her chocolate, as this is like crack for her.

And now, onto the STORY!!! XD


Kome's POV.

Bring! Bring! Bring! Bring! Bring! Bring!

“Wow,” I thought. “They sure over do the bell here. Its sharp and sort of high pitched...Ouch...” I rubbed my ears slightly. I gathered my stuff and exited the room I had been in. I looked to my right and I saw Miya looking at her schedule. It was strange. She had been in all my classes today. To be honest, I'm really not sure what I think about her. All I know about her is that she is Naruto's cousin, she's pretty, and so far she's quiet and reserved. I have not heard her speak since homeroom, when she talked to Naruto a bit. Other than that, she has only spoken to say “Here.” when a teacher was doing role call.

Speaking of who's in my classes, Hinata, Naruto, and Ino have been in most of them, and Sasuke, like Miya, was been in all of them with me. That was a smart move on the part of auntie. She knows that one-way or another I would have had ever class with Sasuke, whether she liked it or not. I unfolded my Schedule and looked at it. “Lets see...” I muttered, “I was just in Health with Jiraiya...” I chuckled remembering when Naruto had called him Perverted. He had got mad and denied it. However, that was when a girl names Karin smirked and said

“But you write Make out Paradise, don't you Jiraiya-sama?”

“Um...ah...well...you see...” He stuttered

Naruto bust out laughing and started chanting “Pervy Sage! He's the pervy sage!” over and over.

Hinata had leaned over to me and whispered. “I don't want to be in this class with a perverted teacher...” She muttered. I chuckled and told her not to worry, that I would beat the crap out of him if he tried anything. She smiled weakly.

Coming out of my memories I looked at my schedule again. I had P.E. With Guy Might. “Guy Might? What the crackers? What kind of a name is that?!?” I demanded myself.

“Don't ask me...” I spun around and saw Sasuke standing behind me, looking at his schedule.

I smiled. “You have it too?” I asked. He nodded

“Kome-chan!” Hinata said, walking up to us with Ino.

“What class do you have next?” Ino asked “Hinata and I have P.E.”

In response I grabbed Hinata and Ino's hands, spun around and started marching. “TO P.E.!” I shouted. As usual I got some stares, but as usual, I did not care.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2012 ⏰

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