▶Jaemin (Part 1)

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Requested by: Xkkaeb_SongX

Jaemin's POV

"A letter for your crush again?" I asked her irritatingly.

She's writing a letter for her crush again. Pfft. If only i have the courage to confess to her. I like her since we became close...If only she could see my actions...how i treat her...how i care so much...being worried...but no...You're not the one she likes Na Jaemin...It's better to hide it..or...maybe move on and just support her.

"I don't trust that guy Y/N- ah."

"Aish...Jaemin-ah...He's a nice guy...that's why I like him~" She replied with a smile.

"So...when will you confess to him?" I asked while looking down on the floor. It hurts. I feel jealous.

"Hmm...Maybe tomorrow." She replied.

Tomorrow?! Really?!


"Maybe at the school garden ~ after class~" She smiled while blushing.

She's really cute...but...she's smiling and blushing for another guy. /sighs/

"I'll go now Jaemin-ah~ Wish me luck for tomorrow~^^"

"Yeah." I replied coldly.

As she went home, I sighed then I started to walk home I passed by the park and I saw a familiar guy. It's her crush.

I decided to spy on him or stalk him because I want to know his secrets...I don't want Y/N to get hurt at the end...

Good thing I brought my jacket and mask for my disguise.

I ran towards the nearest tree beside them.

I saw a girl beside him...i hope it's not what i think.

I grabbed my phone and I started to take a video of them...Good thing their voices are clear.

"Babe...There's a girl who keeps sending me love letters and I'm starting to get annoyed by it. She wants me to meet on the school garden after class tomorrow." Y/N's crush said.

I want to punch him right now.

"Omo~ really?! Aish that whore! I'm going with you tomorrow babe...I'm going to show her who's property you are." The girl smirked.

WHAT THE?! WHO U CALLING WHORE HUH! AISH. I NEED TO SHOW THIS TO Y/N...BEFORE SOMETHING HAPPENS. I don't want her to cry...it hurts me..I'm going to show these two a lesson if they hurt Y/N.

I carefully ran away from the place I'm hiding... I saved the video...

I have evidence...Y/N will believe me if I show these to her before she confesses to that jerk...

I proceeded towards my home...

I hope I'm not too late and I hope she'll believe it. I love her...so much...

°.°•*•°✾.* • ° To be Continued °• *.•✾*.•°

Heyooooooo~ so I'll end this here temporarily since I'm a little bit busy right now, but I'll be writing part 2 (last part) later~ •᎑•


❥❥❥Tofu ♡

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