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The wedding was in full swing by the time Luca and I returned to the ballroom. Our families were laughing and dancing while our bridle party were at the table talking among themselves as they watched the dance floor. I looked towards the double doors to see if Ellie would show up but nothing and that hurt because I didn't like seeing Luca upset and I know her not being here hurt him. She was the only one left that reminded him of his parents and yet she didn't come.

"She made a choice Amira and I think it's time for us to move on from that. If she doesn't want to be a part of my life anymore than so be it" Luca said and I nodded. He's right if Ellie doesn't want to be a pet our family then so be it. We ended up dancing until 5 in the morning and we thanked everyone who came to our wedding. A few of Luca's family came to stay at the house with us while the rest headed to the hotel to rest before they were to head back to the States. We had decided to not go on a honeymoon and instead we decided to stay in France for a days and go to a concert here then head back home for Ashlynn's birthday.


Ashlynn's birthday was a big affair with celebrities and the likes coming and congratulating her. Three months later, July 23rd, was Chris's 4th birthday and it was hard to digest the fact that my little boy was growing up. This will be the second year he's with me and it was still hard to think that I spent two years away from him and now he's turning 4 today and I still can't get over how fast he's growing and Leo will be 7 months old tomorrow and fuck my kids are growing to fast.

"What's wrong?" I looked up to see Luca with a worried expression and I shook my head giving him a smile and he narrowed his eyes

"Nothing promise" I assured making him scoff

"You were talking to yourself and cursing and sniffling" he said and I rolled my eyes, the ever so absorbent husband. Three months and it's still weird calling him that because we've been so used to just saying fiancé and now we're married and it's surreal.

"My kids are growing to fast" I finally grumbled with a whine making him chuckle and set Leo in his swing

"That's part of life babe. We grow up whether we want to or not" he stated and I pouted

"But but I don't want them tooooooooooo" I whined laying my head on his shoulder to which he just chuckled. The jerk.

"I know love neither do I but it's life" he murmured kissing my head and I sighed before standing up and he looked up

"Where are you going?" He asked and I raised a brow

"To get ready for Chris's birthday party" I stated and he nodded with a look of realization

"Sofia and Chris are already dressed so it's just us and Leo that need to be changed" he said and I nodded

"I'll change him before I do" I said but he shook his head

"You go get ready and I'll change him then we'll switch" he stated when I gave him a confused look then nodded going to do just that.

"You go get ready and I'll change him then we'll switch" he stated when I gave him a confused look then nodded going to do just that

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