chapter 8:

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*a day later*
*at the beach*
*lizzys pov*

I was laying in the sand on the private beach front behind the sevenfold  mansion watching the waves roll off the beach thinking about me and jimmy and also painting.

"So do you guys live here?" I asked looking at jimmy. He turned and looked at me confusedly through his aviators.
"Huh?" He questioned before apologizing "sorry I was day dreaming..."
I could help but laugh and smile at him "I asked if you guys live here" I asked again pointing to the mansion.
"Yes and no we come here usually for parties or to hang out. We all live on this block though" he explained taking a sip of his beer.

"That's cool I live like 2 blocks that way in my little apartment but you already know that from picking me up the other day" I took his beer and took a sip before handing it back to him which made him look at me weirdly. "What?"
"You actually drink beer?" He asked me still a little shocked.
"Yeah once in awhile it doesn't taste bad to me if that's what you're asking" I replied.
"Huh" he mumbled. "You look very sexy." He was referring to my black sparkly bikini that had a few strands of gems holding the front and back of the bottoms together.
"Thanks you too babe but I think you should take off your shirt" I joked.
"But I don't wanna" he pouted making me give him the puppy dog look so he laughed and took off his shirt. "Happy?"
"Very much so" I said kissing his shoulder softly. Angel walked up to us all soaked and made an o impression with her mouth.

"So that's your new tattoo? That's so you cute you guys match!!!!" She squealed. "So I talked to the rest of the guys and they agreed we should have a movie night tomorrow is you game?" Me and jimmy laughed at her poor English she learned from me.
"Sounds like a plan, what's the dress code?" I questioned her quizzically.
"Pjs duh" she joked.
"Don't duh me women" I said back with fake seriousness.
"Duh" she said again causing me to jump up.
"Oh hell no hold my earrings!!!!" I hollered to jimmy in a joking matter before taking off after her. She can't run very fast especially in sand so I caught up to her quickly and picked her up. Angel squirmed all around but couldn't break free as I walked over to the water counted to 3 and threw her in with a splash. I then proceeded to walk back to jimmy who was sitting there making a tiny sand castle.

"Hey sexy what do you want for Christmas?" I questioned as I took a seat on his lap.
"I just got it you must be magic" he laughed as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly on the lips.
"That's interesting because I just got mine too" I whispered against his lips. He started kissing me a little rougher which I liked but Johnny ruined it when he came over and dumped water all over us. I squealed and became instantly cold.

"Short shit!!!!" Jimmy yelled before carefully sliding me off his lap to run after Johnny. So I sat there in the sun hoping I will dry off pretty quickly as I watched jimmy chase Johnny all around the beach. Jimmy finally got him when he tried to switch directions too quickly, jimmy picked him up and threw him on his shoulder before throwing him into the water.

"Why don't you guys come swimming almost everyone else is?" Lacey asked me I hadn't even noticed she was standing there.
"Well I was working on my tan and I guess jimmy didn't because he wanted to be with me" I explained.
"Oh okay well join the dark side when you get a chance" she giggled before skipping away. Lacey was one of the weirder ones of us girls like she has a tiny voice but she can get as evil as we can. I got up and brushed myself off before walking down to the shore line where jimmy was standing.

"Do you wanna go swimming with me?" I asked him as I entwined our fingers together.
"Yeah sure" he agreed before picking me up and carrying me into the water. Jimmy got a game of Marco Polo going with everyone which was great he managed to never be it no matter how hard we tried. By the time night started to roll around jimmy was claimed as the champion so he ran around bragging about it like a cute little kid. We all shuffled in the house so the guys could play guitar hero and shit talk each other while me and the girls talked among one another.

"I call foal!!!!" Brian yelled at zacky.
"What how is that even possible" zacky yelled back.
"Guys the champion will kick your asses if I have to get off this drum throne" jimmy stated breaking up the situation making us all laugh.
"I'm going to the kitchen anyone want anything?" I asked getting up.
"Beer" all the guys said in unison.
"Angel can you give me a hand?" I questioned looking at her, she sighed before getting up.
"If I have to" she groaned.

Once we were alone in the kitchen I realized my mistake of asking angel to help me because I forgot she like drama. "So tell me everything?!?!" She tried to whisper but it came out a little louder than her intentions.
"About what?" I asked playing dumb as I got the beers out of the fridge and set them on the counter.
"You and jimmy. Does he kiss good? How is his lips? Have you made out?" She was going like a hundred miles an hour. So I pulled out my head out of the fridge and looked at her.
"Uhuh sure" I said simply before pulling out the finial beers and closing the fridge.
"What that doesn't answer anything?!?" She complained as I loaded her arms up with beer and we walked out of the kitchen. Each guy got a beer and the girls got a Smirnoff. For the rest of the night we just sat there talking and playing guitar hero, the last thing we did was watch a movie. When it came to saying good night the only people go were truly leaving was me and angel. I and angel stood by the front door and everyone looked between I and jimmy.

"Come jimmy get some" Brian joked and made a hip thrusting motion causing Michelle to slap him in the chest playfully. I meant jimmy halfway and wrapped my arms around his neck and put my fingers in his hair while he wrapped his arms around my waist for a very passionate kiss causing everyone to cheer. When we pulled away he kissed me on the tip of my nose and say good bye.
"Good bye and good night my love" I whispered back before slipping out of his arms back to the door.

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