chapter 16:

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*2 months later*
*matts and Alex's wedding*
*Lizzy's pov still*

I had finished doing my hair when I heard a knock on the door to the bathroom so I walked over and opened it to find jimmy standing there.

"You look lovely as always" he stated as he kissed my forehead.
"You look absolutely sexy. Damn something about you in a suit" I winked making him chuckle and lean down to kiss me on the lips.
"Will you help me do my hair I feel lazy?" jimmy groaned making me laugh.
"anything for you baby" I stepped aside so he could come in and take a seat on the stool. I got out his gel and got started on styling his hair as I hummed a little piece of heaven.
"If you do anything for me can you style my hair in your underwear? That's sound really sexy to me" he joked making me flick him in the ear. "Ow I'm sorry mom...."
"Mom?!? What the hell boy do I look like your mom?!?" I hollered playfully as I walked around to the front of him to wash off my hands, when I was done i looked at him with my hands on my hips. He grinned and pulled me onto his lap, our lips crashed onto each others for a slow loving kiss as he held onto me and stroked my back.

"Okay I forgive you" I giggled as I pulled away and bit my lip.
"Good I'm glad I don't think I could live with myself knowing the women I love is mad at me. But speaking of her I want you to meant my parents. I feel they would really like you " he stated making my heart get warm.
"I would love to meant your parents but i don't know how my parents would react to you. They still think I should marry a doctor and have the whole white picket fence scene" I sighed as we stood up and he placed me back on my feet.
"Do you want the whole white picket fence scene?" Jimmy asked looking kinda sad.
"Of course not sure I wanna settle down eventually but not with just anyone, I wanna settle down with you if it was anyone else hell no would be the answer" when I said that he didn't respond he just looked at me blankly. Maybe that was the wrong thing to say I began to think as what seemed like a century had passed. His blank expression suddenly turned into a smirk.

"You don't know how happy you just made me" he whispered before picking me up again and kissing me passionately, it made me smile. He set me down and entwined our fingers before heading downstairs, in only minutes we were walking down the isle to take our places to wait for the bride. Matt, we knew he was nervous but on the outside he didn't show it he just stood there waiting for his bride to arrive.
When Alex appeared we all were in awe she was wearing a short flowing white gown with a birdcage veil. She looked beautiful, time seemed to slow down while she walked towards us.
As the ceremony began so did my daydreaming, I completely zoned out. My thoughts were everything from me and Jimmy's future to my career. It wasn't till I heard everyone cheering because the first kiss of being a married couple had happened when I finally came back to reality. Jimmy, my love walked over to me and held my hand again.

"Are you okay you looked pretty spacey just then?" He asked worriedly as he looked to his left where I was standing and slightly down since he was a little taller then me.
"Hmmm? Oh yeah I'm good" I assured him when really I was jumping around like a giddy little kid in the inside because I couldn't wait to see what the future would bring me, I knew inside my dreams would come true.

*3 days later*
*jimmy's pov*

There was no changing my mind, with my parents blessing or whatever it's called (and angels) I got a day ago, I wanted to marry her now all I needed to do beside ask for her hand was ask her parents. We had left California last night to go to Arizona where her parents live, we got a hotel room, got a good nights sleep before dressing nicely and going to see her parents. They lived in a fairly big home with a nice sized front lawn. I turned to look at Lizzy who was sitting in the passenger's seat staring blankly off into the distance, I brushed my knuckles against her hand causing her to look at me.

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