Leaving and loving

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After entering in the castle, Cadence was the first one to talk starting with their usual welcoming song.
-clap your hooves and do a little shake!
*Cadence was surprised to see her sad look after their song*
-what's wrong Twilight?
-it's... *sniff* nothing *wiping her tears* i'm just worried that i might lose you if i go to this trip... and i... i...
*Celestia went forward interrupting*
Princess Twilight, you are born with a gift that anypony would want... don't underestimate yourself.
-Celestia is right, you just need to follow you heart and...
-Trust your instincts *Luna added*
You have a lot to learn in this trip, we believe in you... princess...
*Twilight ran hugging them tightly in tears. She later noticed the tears of her number one assistant*
-Spike, are you-
-Nope! Just got some dust in my eyes from the books... liquid pride remember?
*they all laughed for the last time before it was time to leave*
-Continue your way to the North, the road will take you to where you seek
-Do not give up on obstacles, the road id yours to guide!
-Share the love around you, a heart touch never fails.
(Spike) -Be safe!
*she nodded and went through the roads of Ponyville avoiding to look back in order to avoid changing her mind. A certain grey mare approached with her derp eyes and said*
Make sure he's safe... please.... i-i made you some muffins for your trip.
-Thank you Derpy, i'll do my best to know the truth... could you send those letters to my friends please?
-I will... if you ever fail... just know it may be the best way.
-what do you mean? It doesn't make any sen- i'm talking with myself ain't I...?
*the purple mare spread her wings and flew in the direction to the crystal empire so she would reach the North*
This was beginning of a new chapter in the life of this mare who wanted to achieve her goals... what's awaiting for her in the future?

 what's awaiting for her in the future?

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