The preparation

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It was a Saturday night, the ponyvillians were going to watch the bowling game while the rest of them were sleeping peacefully in their warm beds except for a special purple mare who had a lot on her mind... She was in the castle's library looking through books she read more than 5 times (if not more), trying to choose which one she might take with her in her 'trip'.
Tiny footsteps were heard approaching to the library but the princess were too focused on her work that she couldn't hear them. Eventually the door was opened to reveal the head of a baby dragon with a sleepy face poking through the door:
-Hey Twi... it's a little late don't you think
-hmm? Oh... Spike! what brings you here?
-it's almost 1 o'clock of the morning... you need rest
- you're right... i'll just take those books and...
Her yawning interrupted her while she levitated 2 books she chose randomly. She was going to places where books will be no match for anything awaiting for her in the future.

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